10 Values ​​that You Should Teach Your Children

There are many values ​​that you should teach your children so that they grow up with the ability to make their own decisions and to function in their social environment.

Parents play a leading role in the training process of their children. From the first years of life, they are responsible for teaching them what is good and what is not, and education in values ​​is key in the process. Tolerance, respect or honesty, among others, are values ​​that you must teach your children so that they have a full life.

These qualities are not only decisive for the development of behavior, but also directly affect their self-esteem and their ability to stand out in a social environment. In addition, they are virtues that last for a lifetime and that end up forming part of the personality of each one.

It is important to remember that children learn mostly by example. There is no use trying to make a child learn a value if he does not see the same behavior reflected in the attitude of his parents. Therefore, it is not only about teaching each value, but about carrying it with practical meaning. What are the values ​​that you should teach your children?

The 10 values ​​that you should teach your children

Mother apologizing to her daughter

1. Honesty

Honesty is a value that must be learned from early childhood, as shown by this work carried out by professionals from the Vicente Rocafuerte Secular University of Guayaquil.

Children may at some point choose to lie or cover up their actions to avoid punishment. Right at that moment you have to teach them the importance of telling the truth to be trustworthy.

2. Tolerance, one of the values ​​that you must teach your children

In a world full of differences, tolerance is a fundamental value. It is important that children understand and accept the criteria of others, freedom of expression and different cultures, races or religions.

Understanding that we do not all look alike or think in the same way is essential to achieve healthy human relationships. And this is evidenced by this study published in the Mexican Journal of Political and Social Sciences .

3. Respect

One of the first values ​​that you should teach your children is respect. This virtue is essential for human development in community. It is important that during the first years of life he learns not to raise his voice, respect the elderly and obey the rules of the home.

4. Responsibility

Teaching children responsibility implies making them understand that every act has positive or negative consequences and that each one has to assume the result of their actions. The development of this quality will help your children to fulfill certain tasks and obligations.

5. Friendliness

Kindness is a quality that strengthens social and family relationships. Therefore, children must learn to be kind to others, even on bad days. They must understand that being in a bad mood is no excuse to stop treating others well.

Children sharing an ice cream

6. Character

Character building does not happen overnight and requires a lot of learning. However, it is one of the values ​​that you must teach your children so that they learn to make their own decisions, always respecting you and respecting themselves.

7. Self-esteem

Good self-esteem will be decisive in many areas of your child’s life. Self-love is key to living without guilt and without the constant feeling of never being enough.

Therefore, the child must learn to accept himself and not accept some alien behaviors  since, as evidenced by this study published in Edetania. Socio-educational studies and proposals , good self-esteem and a good self-concept contribute to health and mental balance.

8. Cooperation

Teaching children about cooperation is teaching them to work as a team when necessary. That they learn to join forces to meet their objectives shows them that at some point they will need help and that both knowing how to give it and knowing how to receive it are a determining value for living in society and working for the common good.

9. Empathy, another of the values ​​that you should teach your children

Developing empathy in children is fostering their sensitivity. In other words: it  is helping them to put themselves in the place of the other trying to feel what they feel. Although this virtue can develop spontaneously over time, it is sometimes necessary to strengthen it.

Child looking for affection

10. Forgiveness, one of the most important values ​​to teach your children

Learning to recognize mistakes, apologize and know how to forgive are essential qualities in the child’s formation process. At first, it is a bit complex that they can understand it, since they go through a stage of self-centeredness in which they do not know how to accept that they are wrong.

However, speaking with love and discussing the meaning of forgiveness will make them understand little by little how important it is to their lives. In this way, in the future, they will avoid holding grudges or other negative feelings.

Now that you know the 10 most important values ​​that you should teach your children, we hope that this task will be more rewarding and easier to carry out. What are you waiting for to get down to work?

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