5 Changes You Should Make In Your Diet To Improve The Symptoms Of Depression

Improving the symptoms of depression is possible by changing the way we eat. It has nothing to do with dieting or starving. Rather, it consists of introducing foods that increase the levels of certain neurotransmitters and hormones.

Currently, we have multiple resources and we are aware that this disease is faced from a multidisciplinary strategy, that is, through pharmacological treatment, with psychotherapy and taking care of our lifestyle. On the other hand, having good social support is essential. In turn, more and more people are consulting a nutritionist to learn about nutritional strategies that help us take care of the chemical balance in our brain and have a stronger immune system.

5 changes you should make to your diet to improve symptoms of depression

Take note of these simple changes that will help you improve the symptoms of depression.

1. Always have breakfast, prepare it yourself and make it “appetizing”

improve symptoms of depression

If there is a difficult and difficult moment for a person suffering from depression, it is the fact of getting up in the morning.

  • Dopamine and serotonin levels are usually very low at this time of day in a depressed brain. Therefore, it takes an extra effort that includes opening the curtains to let in the sunlight and forcing us to eat breakfast.
  • The first meal of the day is essential to take care of our emotional state, as well as our health.
  • In turn, an interesting fact that we would like to know is that breakfast is the best time when we can allow ourselves to eat sweet. It is when we metabolize it best and, in turn, the moment when our brain needs it the most.
  • Do not hesitate to prepare an “appetizing” breakfast, which motivates you, which encourages you to go to the kitchen, sit down and start the day a little more lively.

2. Improve the symptoms of depression thanks to healthy fats

improve symptoms of depression

We need to keep our energies at a high level and, for this, it is necessary that we do not neglect the consumption of healthy fats. If you like peanut butter, feel free to make yourself a rich slice with rye bread. It will provide you with a lot of protein, an adequate level of healthy fats, and few carbohydrates. In turn, take note of these other proposals:

  • Avocado
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Salmon
  • Olive oil
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Eggs
  • Coconut

3. Did you know that you can improve the symptoms of depression by eating small amounts, but many times a day?

improve symptoms of depression

When a person suffers from depression, it is common for them to have certain problems in their digestive system. There are moments when you are very anxious and others when you have a lack of appetite. Sometimes he suffers from diarrhea, and other times constipation. As we tell you many times in our space, the brain and the stomach are intimately connected. In such a way that our emotional world directly impacts our digestion.

  • Try to eat small amounts but many times a day.
  • Combine various foods in small portions : a white yogurt with strawberries and chia seeds, a grilled turkey breast with lemon, a spinach salad with pomegranate seeds …
  • Eat slowly, without rushing and chewing well.

4. Green leafy vegetables to treat depression

improve symptoms of depression

Spinach, kale, chard … Consume them throughout the day and every day of the week.

  • This type of food is very rich in vitamins (A, C, E and K), minerals and phytochemicals capable of raising our serotonin levels to improve, little by little, our mood.
  • In addition, they offer us energy, something essential to find more strength to leave the house, to go for a walk, to face problems.

5. When possible, eat outdoors

improve symptoms of depression

Whenever you get the chance, try to eat outside. If you have a terrace or a park nearby, do not hesitate to prepare take out food, fresh food and something healthy to drink and enjoy an hour in contact with nature or, simply, away from home.

  • Something as simple as breathing fresh air and forcing ourselves to get out of the routine and from the walls of the house significantly improves the mood.
  • We are aware that this can be an effort (preparing food, thinking about where we are going to go, walking until we reach a comfortable and quiet place …)
  • Now, that effort, that preparation and that will already exert a great benefit. In addition, by feeling comfortable outdoors, we enjoy the food much more

If you also do these getaways in good company, the formula is even more powerful.

Improving Depression Symptoms: Final Comments

In conclusion, managing and overcoming a depression requires, above all, time and personal will. We encourage you from here to take care of yourself, to fight every day for your well-being and to try these simple changes in your diet. You have nothing to lose by making these small changes in your life. Finally, say that it is advisable to go to the psychologist and nutritionist for professional treatment.

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