5 Cleansing And Healthy Diets That You Are Going To Love

The body accumulates all our excess food, lack of exercise, alcohol on weekends, negative feelings … and this “takes its toll” and we can even get sick, as is popularly said.

So that what is bad for us is eliminated from the body, we can carry out what is known as a cleansing or detox diet. 

In this article we will tell you how to enjoy it and take advantage of it. Take note!

What is a cleansing diet?

What is a cleansing diet

The main objective of this change in diet is to clean toxins from the body that have been stored over time.

Under normal conditions this would not be necessary, since the body has a natural purification system (through urine, feces and perspiration). However, current life and, above all, in cities, leads us to accumulate elements that need to be discarded.

For example, many people choose to go on a cleansing diet after the holidays or vacations, since they eat and drink excessively at those times. However, you do not have to be so radical or only reserve two times of the year to detoxify.

The cleansing diet supplies the body with the necessary compounds to expel toxins. These natural elements help us to eliminate with urine or feces all that is left over and is bad. This type of regimen is not as restrictive as we think. Fiber and potassium are allowed, as well as foods considered “caloric” but which, at the same time, fulfill their function of cleansers.

Among the benefits of the diet we can highlight that it will help us eliminate fluid retention, prevent diseases and reduce stomach bloating.

Types of cleansing diets

In most cases, these diets are carried out only on one day or weekend. During those hours you should eat only what is indicated and it is necessary to stay at home without exercising or exerting yourself.

Some options for cleansing regimens are:

1. Grapefruit diet

Grapefruit diet

Grapefruit is a powerful fat burner and detoxifier, in addition to providing a lot of fiber and vitamin C. To do this diet you must spend a whole day eating grapefruit, either in juice or slices.

In the afternoon it can be combined with a skimmed yogurt and at night have a spinach or lettuce salad.

2. Fiber diet

Oatmeal is one of the most nutritious cereals that contains melatonin.

Oatmeal will be the main protagonist during your detox weekend. You can consume it with skimmed milk or yogurt, orange juice, in cereal bars or accompanied with nuts such as almonds.

In the afternoon add some fresh fruit (strawberries, apples) and in the evening a carrot, leek and celery soup.

3. Carrot diet

Carrot diet

A whole day eating carrots can’t be bad. Better if it is raw, to reduce anxiety and appetite when biting it, but you can also enjoy this vegetable in all its presentations.

We recommend a smoothie, a broth, grated or pureed with a little lemon juice. Before going to bed, end your day with a natural infusion.

4. Tomato diet

It is an excellent option for smokers (or those who have just quit smoking) and for women who suffer from cellulite. You will eat tomato in all its forms for a whole day.

  • When you get up a juice; for breakfast two sliced ​​tomatoes.
  • For lunch a tomato salad with bean sprouts and lettuce (dressed with olive oil).
  • For a snack, a tomato and mint juice and for dinner, repeat the lunch menu.

Before going to bed, drink an infusion.

5. Artichoke diet


This rich vegetable has diuretic properties and acts to eliminate accumulated fat, especially in the belly. The artichoke diet lasts for one day.

  • For breakfast, eat a slice of whole wheat bread with artichoke cream.
  • For lunch, grilled artichoke hearts and an artichoke omelette at night.
  • At mid-morning and mid-afternoon you can eat a skimmed yogurt.

Can I do a “free” cleansing diet?

fruits and vegetables

Many people are not very fond of the idea of ​​dieting, no matter how long it lasts for a single day.

Maybe you plan to start eating healthier from now on or after going through a cleansing weekend. Then we recommend the following foods known for their cleansing properties:

  • Fruits (pineapple, strawberry, grape, kiwi, orange, apple, pear).
  • Vegetables (celery, asparagus, onion, endive).
  • Sprouts (wheat, alfalfa, soy).
  • Whole grains.
  • Lean meats
  • Blue fish.
  • Yoghurt.

What happens after the detox diet? This is a very frequently asked question. The idea is that once the diet is over, you don’t binge on super calories. Little by little, increase the amounts of food you eat and if possible try to eat more fruits and vegetables (remember the previous list).

Finally, do not forget to practice a lot of sports or, at least, go for a walk every day. Drink water (2 liters a day) and avoid fats, sugars and white flours. Consume natural infusions and juices instead of soft drinks, choose green tea instead of coffee and prefer whole foods to refined ones.

In this way, your body will be less intoxicated and you will enjoy better health.

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