6 Exercises To Reduce The “sagging Belly”

In addition to physical exercise, to improve body composition it is also essential to take care of postural hygiene and be constant in maintaining healthy lifestyle habits.

Sagging belly is an aesthetic problem that can affect both women and men, and it can be due to several factors. For example, it may appear after having lost a lot of weight in a short time, after giving birth or having maintained a sedentary lifestyle and having had a poor diet.

If you notice a flabby belly and want to improve its appearance to look and feel better, you should start by adopting and maintaining good lifestyle habits. Here are some tips to fight the hated saggy belly.

Why does saggy belly occur?

Postpartum flaccidity.

At first glance, there are some parts of the body – such as the abdomen – that seem to “suffer” more from poor diet and lack of exercise. However, the causes of a sagging or flabby belly are not only due to diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

In this sense, a study published by the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders affirms that there is a genetic component that predisposes a person to accumulate abdominal fat, as well as to suffer from its related pathologies. However, it is not something that a balanced and healthy diet together with regular physical exercise cannot solve.

Aging and pregnancy, other important factors

As a person ages, certain parts of the body lose firmness and “sag”. This is normal, but it can be treated with an adequate caloric and protein diet and physical activity, according to a study published by the Journal of the Faculty of Medicine (Mexico) .

In the case of women, flaccidity in the abdominal area can be a consequence of pregnancy, as well as a postpartum sign. During pregnancy, the skin stretches and can then “hang down”; Hence, a study published in the Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions recommends that mothers do localized exercises to work this part of the body.

Strict diets and drastic weight loss

People who carry out overly restrictive diets, in which they lose 10 kilos or more in a month, can end up suffering from flaccidity in several areas of the body.

As a thesis published by the Finis Terrae University explains, in addition to the fact that they are not good for health, these regimens do not allow the body to adapt to its new volume and are the culprits that there is “excess” skin that later remains hanging and that it is unsightly.

Exercises to reduce sagging belly

From everything discussed above, we can conclude that a balanced diet and physical exercise are the two pillars to maintain a belly without flaccidity. Here are some exercise alternatives that can contribute to this goal:


How to make an iron?

Also known as planks, planks are a highly recommended type of exercise because they help strengthen the abdominal muscles. Research published by the Strength and Conditioning Journal affirms that all isometric exercises —that is, they do not require the contraction or extension of the muscles— are effective and safe for exercising the middle zone.

The technique of this exercise is very simple:

  • Lie face down on the mat and support your elbows, forearms, and hands.
  • Lift your body and step on the balls of your feet. The idea is that the torso and legs are aligned and parallel to the ground.
  • Hold the pose for as long as you can. Remember to increase your exercise time progressively.

Cardio exercises

Whether it’s jogging, biking, running, or boxing, cardio is another great way to work your body. According to a study published by the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, cardio is effective in reducing levels of body fat, something that influences the appearance of the abdominal area.

Generally, it is recommended to perform them at least three times a week in order to obtain results. However, this will depend on the characteristics and goals of each person, so it is convenient to plan the routine with professionals.

Oblique crunches

In this case, we propose another localized abdominal exercise to strengthen the middle zone and avoid a sagging belly. It is carried out as follows:

  • Lie on the mat on your back and bend your knees.
  • Rest your right calf on your left thigh.
  • Bend your left arm and bring it behind your neck.
  • Rotate your torso so that your left elbow touches your right knee.
  • Perform the indicated repetitions and switch sides.

Lunges with twists

According to an article in Harvard Health Publishing, the lunge not only serves to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, but also to work the belly. In addition, due to the difficulty of the exercise and the muscle groups involved, it burns a lot of calories. You can start off with no weight and then add a dumbbell or disc later.

  • Stand up, take the dumbbell or disc between your hands at chest level and step forward with your right leg, which you must bend so that the body descends. Also, the left leg is flexed 90 degrees until it touches the floor.
  • When you reach this position, turn your torso to the left, stretching your arms a little.
  • Return to the starting position and do the same for the other side.


Bridging exercise for scoliosis

This exercise adds strength to the pelvis and lower abs, as explained in a study published by the Brasilian Journal of Physical Therapy . For this reason, it is ideal for women who have just given birth.

  • Lie on your back on the mat and bring your arms to the sides of your body.
  • Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet on the ground.
  • Raise your pelvis little by little until your torso is detached from the mat.
  • The only thing that should remain supported are the shoulders and head, in addition to the arms and feet.
  • Hold the posture for a few seconds and lower yourself back to the starting posture.
  • When you have mastered this exercise, you can add some weight with a disc on your belly.

Leg raises

Lastly, this exercise is very convenient for working the tummy thanks to the horizontal position, which allows to better work the internal oblique muscles, according to a study published in the Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation . It is done in this way:

  • Face up on the mat, stretch your legs well and put your hands under your thighs.
  • Raise your legs, without bending them, so that they are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Then descend without touching the ground.

Prevent sagging belly, also for health

The abdominal fat that results in the “fall” of the belly should not only be reduced for aesthetic reasons, but it is also positive to do so for health. Is that according to a study published by the Spanish Journal of Cardiology , abdominal fat is directly linked to pathologies such as hypertension and prediabetes.

As we mentioned, exercise and diet are the first two actions to take when faced with this problem. Remember to eat a balanced diet and always follow your doctor’s recommendations to stay fit and healthy.

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