6 Things To Avoid Doing During Your Menstrual Period

Have you ever wondered if there is something you are doing wrong during your menstrual days? We will tell you everything you should know about it in the next article.

There are a number of things you should avoid doing during your menstrual period. Some will be familiar to you; others, on the contrary, will surprise you.

It is no secret to anyone that during their period women go through a series of changes, especially hormonal,  that make those days a little heavier. Mood disturbances, lower belly swelling and tenderness are often more apparent than at any other time in the cycle.

However, it is essential that, in the event that the pain persists and makes it impossible, you go to the gynecologist to rule out associated problems, such as endometriosis.

In this sense, it is important to take into account certain tips that will help you reduce the mild discomfort associated with menstruation. We will tell you about it in the next article.

Activities to avoid during menstruation

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1. Have unprotected sex

As long as it is not uncomfortable, during the menstrual period you can have sex as at any other time of the cycle.

However, it is recommended to use protection, since there is an urban legend that having sex during menstruation prevents pregnancy. This is completely false and can lead to an unwanted pregnancy or the transmission of a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

2. Skip a meal

A good diet is key to the proper functioning of the body. However, it is especially important to mention that, during the days of the rule, you should not skip any of the main meals, because it could be counterproductive.

The body is losing a large amount of nutrients along with the blood and therefore it is essential to replace them. Be aware of this harmful habit that you should avoid doing during your menstrual period.

3. Do physical overwork

Exercising on menstrual days doesn’t have to be a problem, but you do have to be careful. As already pointed out in the previous paragraph, the loss of nutrients can cause you to feel somewhat weaker and with less energy.

During the menstrual cycle, try to do low-impact exercises, do not overdo it, and always carry a bottle of water with you. Your health will thank you.

4. Eating junk food

Excess hunger can be one of the signs that you have high blood sugar.

Many women feel the need to eat high-calorie food on these days. However, try not to overdo it, since there are certain foods that could be a time bomb for your body (junk food, ultra-processed products).

For these days, choose easily digestible foods, and increase your intake of:

  • Water.
  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.
  • Whole grains.

5. Being under a lot of stress

Due to the current lifestyle, it is common to be continuously subjected to stressful situations. However, during the period there is an irritability that has a psychological influence  on women who are suffering from it.

One of the things to avoid doing during your period is stress. It is very important to avoid the situations that cause it (whenever possible) and to dedicate a few minutes a day to relaxation techniques.

6. Being cold, something you should definitely avoid doing during your menstrual period

Woman wrapped in a blanket because of the cold.

Cold is a bad companion for pain during menstruation. Therefore, it is advisable to apply hot compresses to the lower abdomen, as suggested by this study carried out by a team from the Virgen del Camino Hospital in Pamplona (Spain).

Although the research focuses on pelvic pelvic pain in general, it could be applied to this particular type of situation. In the same way, if the pain persists, you can resort to an ibuprofen or parapetamol every 8 hours, as long as you do not suffer from any type of related allergy.

Hoaxes on what to avoid doing during your menstrual period

For generations, popular culture has spread rumors about menstruation that were almost always based on prejudice. Although today most are outdated, there are still places where people still fervently believe in them. 

You must bear in mind that during the period you can do practically the same as without it. The only difference will lie in the particular discomfort of each woman, who, after all, is the one who knows her own body best.

Remember to eat well, do not overdo sports and drink plenty of water during these days. It’s only one week a month, and you need to pamper yourself more than ever.

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