7 Reasons To Consume Cucumber Juice

The peponid or cucumber, better known as cucumber, is the fruit of an annual herb plant ( cucumis sativus ). Although it is originally from India, little by little it was integrated into the diet and gastronomy of different civilizations around the world.

In this article we present its excellent nutritional values. Discover 7 reasons to consume it and incorporate it into your diet. Remember that to take advantage of all its virtues it must be introduced in the context of a healthy diet.

Cucumber composition

Much of the attraction of this vegetable is its weight in water, which sometimes reaches 96% of the total. In addition, it is a low calorie food (13 kcal per 100 g) due to its low proportion of sugars, fats and proteins.

Among the nutrients that this vegetable provides us, the following stand out:

  • Vitamins (C, E and B complex).
  • Minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium).

For this reason, nutrition experts often include them in meal plans. In addition, although it is usually consumed in salads or pickles, cucumber is also a great base for juices, since its neutral flavor makes it possible to combine it with other fruits and vegetables.

A practical alternative: cucumber juice

Fresh cucumber juice

Natural juices provide vitamins and minerals quickly and directly. They are easier to absorb and digest, and they keep the body hydrated.

In addition, they help in the elimination of toxins. Thus, we achieve an organism in unbeatable conditions, both physically, immune and energetic.

Here are 7 important reasons why you should consume cucumber juice:

1. Helps to lose weight and stay

In addition to having one of the lowest caloric indices, its consumption provides a feeling of satiety. When combined with other fruits and vegetables in a juice it can be an  excellent support to reduce fat, detoxify the body and activate the metabolism.

  • Due to its gel and fiber texture, it slows down the digestive process and helps us feel satisfied for much longer.
  • It also helps you stop eating from anxiety and thus maintain a healthy weight.

2. Promotes digestion

Supports digestive function

Cucumber contains high amounts of fiber and water. And we must bear in mind that drinking water reduces the symptoms of reflux and increases the pH of the stomach.

Fiber, for its part, allows intestinal transit to be faster and reduces the effects of constipation. Therefore, this food helps balance digestive function. 

In fact, some research has shown that fiber increases the frequency of bowel movements and, in turn, nourishes healthy bacteria cultures in the gut. 

3. Keeps you hydrated

Is it difficult for you to drink water? The body loses water throughout the day. For this reason, it is not uncommon to occasionally have symptoms of dehydration.

Cucumber juice or water is a perfect remedy to counteract the loss of fluids, as it provides us with large amounts of water and mineral salts. And it is very refreshing.

Specifically, cucumbers are made up of 96% water, in addition to having essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium and sodium. Thus, its consumption is an interesting way to ensure adequate hydration.

4. Cucumber helps reduce the risk of cancer

According to a scientific study carried out in 2016, cucumber can reduce the risk of cancer. This effect arises from the activity of cucurbitacins and some other substances inherent to cucumbers, such as lignans. 

These elements  can block the survival of cancer cells, so they could reduce the risk of suffering from different types of cancer. Although such research is still preliminary, it does not hurt to consume a good glass of cucumber juice, just in case.

 5. Auxiliary in the control of blood pressure

Cardiovascular problems

Hypertension is the increase in blood pressure above the limits considered healthy. This “silent disease” increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cucumber juice contains fiber, magnesium and a considerable percentage of potassium, nutrients that have been shown to be related to the reduction of blood pressure. Since this disease does not usually present clear symptoms, it is important to prevent it.

6. Fight heartburn

Regulates the pH of the blood in the body due to its alkaline properties.  We must bear in mind that excess acidity from consuming foods with an acidic pH weakens all our systems.

Such imbalance is responsible for diseases such as premature aging, obesity or cardiovascular problems, among others. They are sufficient reasons to prevent it.

7. Source of vitamin B

The B complex vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of the body. These  intervene in the processes of the nervous system, increase energy levels and activate metabolism.

Including cucumber in our usual diet will provide us with this vitamin. Therefore, it is a simple way to reduce some negative effects related to stress and anxiety.

Processed or homemade juices?

In the current market there is a large production of juices for instant consumption. However, the amount of preservatives and artificial colors can cause poisoning or allergic reactions in our body. For that reason, preparing homemade juices is the best option.

Start consuming cucumber regularly

Now you know some reasons why cucumber juice is an excellent natural alternative to take care of and improve the functioning of the body. Don’t forget to consider it on your shopping list the next time you go to the market. Remember: there is nothing better than investing in health.

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