7 Remedies To Treat Abdominal Pain In Children

There are many causes of abdominal pain in children and babies. Generally, there will be nothing to worry about. We give you some keys to help your little one find relief soon.

Generally, abdominal pain in children is a pain that all parents have had to deal with at some point. It covers the stomach area,  and can occur anywhere between the chest and the groin.

Although it is common and does not have major implications for the health of a child, in some cases it can be a symptom of something more serious.

Obviously, it is easier when it comes to a child between 4 and 12 years old. At this age, he can explain what is happening to him. However, if it is  infants or young children, you have to analyze the symptoms to determine the best way forward.

How is abdominal pain in children?

abdominal pain in children


  • If the pain is generalized or located in the middle of the abdomen, the cause may be indigestion, gas or constipation.
  • When the pain is due to emotional tension , it is located in the area around the navel or in the pit of the stomach. Severe pain that comes and goes one or more times a month can be caused by stress.
  • The pains similar to a cramp probably due to gases. Perhaps the child ate a lot, has bloating and diarrhea.

In any of these cases, it is possible to solve the situation with some home remedies. If a child has any of the following symptoms, they may have abdominal pain:

  • You are irritable.
  • Bring your legs up towards your belly.
  • Eat little or less than usual.

How to treat abdominal pain in a child?

The following recommendations may work when abdominal pain in children is related to digestive problems or emotional causes.

Take a hot infusion

Chamomile, mint, fennel or ginger infusions are widely recognized for their digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. The hot infusion helps to settle the stomach and the heat relaxes the muscles, but they are contraindicated in babies.

Make sure he sleeps on his side

Ask your child to lie on his side, this position will help him release the gases. If you can prop yourself up on a pillow and raise your ankles a little, it will be more effective. Also, you can place a warm blanket or compress on her abdomen.

Baby sleeping.

Give him a hot bath

Anything that is swallowed or placed warm on the abdominal muscles helps release tension. Give your little one a warm to hot bath.

Take care of your diet

When there is abdominal pain in children, the perfect food is a classic chicken broth. Besides feeding him, it keeps him hydrated and relaxes his muscles.

Relaxing massage

Lay the child or baby on their back and gently massage their abdomen in  a clockwise direction. To perform the massage you can use essential oil. Follow the digestive tract and press it gently.

Apply reflexology

Reflexology is a foot massage technique. However, it can help relieve abdominal pain in children.

Grab your child’s left foot with your right hand. To continue with your left thumb, apply even and constant pressure to the arch area. Press a little with your thumb back and forth along the arch. Repeat it several times.

Reflexology of the foot of a baby.


Make him “pedal”

Exercise that mimics  pedaling a bicycle helps decongest the intestines. Ask your child to lie on his back, put his feet up, and move as if he were pedaling. If it is a baby, you can gently move its legs yourself, imitating the “pedaling of the bicycle”.

When to go to the doctor?

When abdominal pain does not subside with any of these recommendations, and is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting or cramps, the doctor should indicate the treatment to follow.

When abdominal pain is localized to a single point, it can be a symptom of a more significant health problem. In these cases, the appendix, gallbladder, intestines, ovaries, testicles or others can be affected. Have no doubts, it is time to go to the doctor.

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