7 Strategies To Eat Healthy Without Costing You A Lot Of Money

Maintaining a healthy eating plan and eating right can seem expensive and unaffordable for many people.

Organic foods tend to have high prices compared to processed products, and because of this, many give up on the idea of ​​improving their diet.

In addition, when there is not enough time to cook, prepackaged and precooked products represent a quick food option that, although lacking in nutrients, controls the feeling of hunger.

The problem is that these types of foods can affect health over time and, due to their caloric intake, end up being the trigger for excess weight.

The truth is that eating well does not always mean spending too much and, in fact, there are some strategies that allow you to adopt it without affecting your pocket.

In the following space we want to share in detail the 7 best ones so that you can start incorporating them into your life and improve your shopping list the next time you go to the market.

Take note!

How to eat well and healthily

1. Plan weekly meals

Plan your menu in advance

The habit of planning weekly meals is much more beneficial than many imagine.

Although it seems a bit complicated, it is a great way to ensure a healthy menu, low in calories and with inexpensive ingredients.


  • First of all, on the internet you can find recipes for every day and the best thing is that many are adapted to your pocket.
  • In addition, this allows you to buy only the ingredients that are required for the dishes, without having to spend more on unnecessary products.
  • Lastly, the food will be fresher, and when it’s time to prepare it, you won’t waste as much time.

2. Buy in local markets

We are so used to buying industrial products in supermarkets that we have forgotten about small producers.

Local markets offer dozens of organic products at a fair price and accessible to all.


  • In the first place, these markets distribute products directly from the field, that is, without going through industrialization processes.
  • In addition, they are not covered with plastics or packaging, which is friendly to the environment.
  • They are free of pesticides and chemical additives, so they are healthier.
  • Finally, you can choose the ones you like the most and, incidentally, you will access incredible offers.

3. Buy seasonal products and freeze

food in the freezer

Although it is best to eat fresh food, to eat healthy you can also take advantage of seasonal products.

These are usually found in large quantities for prices that are really within our reach.


  • First, you can freeze them so you don’t have to buy for several weeks.
  • In addition, you will save money if you buy them in more quantity.
  • Finally, you can take advantage of them to make multiple healthy recipes.

4. Compare prices

Comparing prices is a simple task that allows you to find healthy products at affordable prices.

Although there are brands that have very high prices, there are others that, without being of poor quality, have lower costs.

Compare and go ahead and try them.


  • You will access low-calorie or organic products for a lower price.
  • You will find brands that, although they are not so well known, have a good quality.

5. Buy in small quantities

eat well

One of the main mistakes made by consumers is buying food that will not be consumed before its expiration date.

Not only does this mean spending more than usual, it sadly contributes to global food waste.

For this reason, to eat healthy, it is best to moderate the amounts that are purchased in purchases.


  • You will save money and keep produce fresh in your pantry.
  • You will not waste food.

6. Increase water consumption

Drinking water every day is one of the main supplements to any healthy eating plan.

This vital liquid is calorie-free, prolongs the feeling of fullness and participates in the proper functioning of all major body systems.


  • It is the cheapest drink that we can find.
  • In addition, we can ingest it throughout the day, reducing anxiety about food.
  • It helps detoxify the blood, which is key to maintaining good metabolic function.
  • Finally, it keeps the body hydrated.

7. Grow your own food

eat well

There are many varieties of fruits and vegetables that can be grown in the garden or indoors.

If you have a little more time and want to save, you can encourage yourself to create your own garden.


  • You will stop paying for fresh herbs and spices.
  • You will have, in some seasons, your own fresh fruits and vegetables.

Are you ready to put these recommendations into practice? Keep in mind that although many healthy products are expensive, eating healthy is a matter of choice.

Follow the strategies mentioned and check that you can maintain a good diet without spending as much as you thought.

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