8 Behaviors That Help You Recognize If Someone Is Playing The Victim

The problem with people who tend to adopt the role of victim is that many times they have this idea so internalized that they don’t even do it consciously.

Most of us seek to surround ourselves with people who provide us with emotional well-being, not only giving us their support, but also transmitting good energies when we have the opportunity to be by their side. However, we are not exempt from coming across someone who plays the victim.

Although it is not bad to help someone when they need it, it is essential to know how to identify if they really require us to shake their hand or are trying to manipulate us. And it is that, using a good heart, many begin to victimize themselves in order to generate pity or lighten their responsibilities.

Their behaviors cause them to blame others for their ills. Since they often find someone who has compassion for them, they do not manage to solve their life on their own. Because of this, it is important to know how they behave and what type of strategies they use to generate that feeling of always having to help them.

1. They believe the world is against them

Although some are still unaware of it, the personalities of those who play the victim may be related to a paranoid disorder. According to the MSD Manual, this type of disorder leads them to pessimistically distort reality in an unjustified way. Often these people distrust others thinking that they only want to harm them.

The individual constantly laments. To be on the defensive, he thinks that the whole world is against him. It is common that when talking to them they manifest complaining. In addition, they assure that no one loves them or that no one is able to understand the situations they are going through.

Someone who plays the victim is usually sad.

2. The “victim” does not assume responsibility

The inability to assume their responsibilities is one of the main behaviors of which they always want to play the victim. In their minds they are so convinced that others can help them that they even involuntarily pretend that others will assume their due.

It is very simple for them to ignore the role they play in their problems. Therefore, they can point to others regardless of the consequences. In fact, they become so manipulative that, after gaining your trust, they make you feel guilty when you can’t help them.

3. They exaggerate the problems

As the saying goes: they make a storm in a glass of water. The habit of feeling fragile causes them to exaggerate the situations that they dislike or their problems.

As they always want to be pitied, they cry or act angry. This makes their alleged attacker feel guilty and apologize.

4. Everything bad always happens to them

Talking to these types of people can wear us out. Not only because of their negative mindset, but because their stories are always a tragedy. So, they will always tell you how bad they are with their work, family problems and how evil the other people around them are.

They never see the opportunities that adversity can bring. His mentality is closed as to think that everything can be better if he works for it.

5. They never apologize

Apologies from a person who plays the victim are often not sincere. What’s more, they rarely acknowledge their mistakes and apologize to those they affect.

In general, their manipulation mechanisms become so effective that they always find a way to justify themselves or look like the “good guys” in the movie.

6. They feel sorry for themselves

Those who get used to being the victims before others tend to bring out their flaws and have strong self-criticism. Their habit of feeling sorry for themselves makes them see themselves as helpless children or fragile people in society.

When they fail to generate sympathy or empathy in others, they console themselves to lock themselves more into their victim role.

7. They see life full of deficiencies

Even when something good happens to him, the victim will find some excuse not to put aside his negative and toxic thinking. No matter how many opportunities they have, their life is always full of deficiencies, since they cannot feel happy with anything.

They will complain if they have, if they don’t have, if they have excess or if someone can more than them. They stay in a cycle that prevents them from transcending in a meaningful way.

Someone who plays the victim takes away a lot of energy.

8. Victim and spiteful

In order not to stop suffering, these people remember events from the past. In them, perhaps, someone or something caused them some kind of injury.

They are unable to leave behind the things that caused them pain. Most of the time, they take every opportunity to bring them back to the present.

Remember to detect these people in time

Do you know someone with these behaviors? Careful! Even if she is a close person and you want to help her, it is important that you bear in mind that many of her actions are already a habit that is difficult to break. Don’t let them steal your energies. Try to stay out of their problems to avoid being manipulated.

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