8 Tips To Take Care Of The Skin In Menopause

There are some healthy habits that can help take care of your skin in menopause to counteract the effects it suffers due to hormonal changes. Although at this stage the signs of aging are inevitable, some care slows down the process.

Dermal tissues lose their firmness because over the years it reduces collagen and elastin. However, by maintaining a good health and beauty routine, you can decrease the intensity of these effects so that the skin remains beautiful for longer.

Although there are professional cosmetic products that minimize the presence of wrinkles, none will have good effects if other care is not applied. What else should be taken into account to take care of the skin in menopause? We share some tips with you.

Basic tips for caring for your skin in menopause

With the arrival of menopause many physical and emotional changes occur in women. Some are easier to cope with than others, but ultimately, dermatological changes often cause concern.

In fact, some of the most “hated” changes are, without a doubt, dermatological alterations and skin aging, which occurs due to the decrease in female hormones and collagen.

The appearance of wrinkles and blemishes, the reduction of elasticity and the production of natural oils, as well as the appearance of imperfections related to flaccidity and excess dryness are changes that are not pleasant for women and that cause discomfort.

How to act to minimize these effects? Let’s look at it in more detail below.

1. Protect the skin from the sun

Face sunscreen

Although sun protection is essential at any age, during menopause it is essential to reinforce the care. Since the tissues are weaker, direct exposure to the sun without first using a good quality sunscreen is not advisable.

Dr. Rocío Gil Redondo indicates that photoprotection is essential to take care of the health of the skin and prevent premature aging. Therefore, remember that it is highly recommended to apply it daily, even on cloudy days.

2. Increase water consumption

The signs of dehydration are more noticeable during menopause due to the reduction of oils that is produced by hormonal changes. Thus, to avoid keeping the skin dry or rough, it is essential to drink enough water throughout the day, depending on thirst (even in summer, as recommended by nutrition expert Julio Basulto).

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3. Adopt a healthy diet

Many women make the mistake of following a hypocaloric diet during menopause for fear of gaining weight. However, far from providing any benefit, these plans can affect both health and beauty.

So that nutritional deficiencies do not affect the beauty of the skin, it is best to opt for a healthy and balanced diet, which contains all the groups of nutrients. Protein, fatty acids, and sources of antioxidants should be included.

4. Use exfoliating products

There are those who claim that the least desirable thing for the skin in menopause is the excessive accumulation of dead cells and impurities on its surface, that is, in the epidermis.

It is believed that this can hinder the oxygenation of tissues and the process of cell regeneration. Therefore, in order for the dermis to remain hydrated and soft, there are those who consider that it is best to exfoliate the skin from time to time.

Important note : not all skins need to exfoliate with the same regularity. Therefore, it is essential to consult a dermatologist before doing this type of procedure, even with homemade recipes. By exfoliating dry skin, for example, you can irritate it and expose itself to many other discomforts, rather than helping to improve its appearance.

5. Avoid tobacco

Recommendations to quit smoking

There are many reasons to avoid tobacco after reaching menopause. In fact, the ideal thing is to never have started smoking.

Tobacco is one of the worst enemies of skin health. Its consumption increases the presence of wrinkles and affects dryness. Not to mention its direct relationship to a multitude of lung diseases.

6. Apply firming lotions

Today there are many lotions with firming properties that can help tighten the skin in its most sensitive areas. These products, which can be professional or natural, prevent obvious wrinkles from being generated in areas such as the face, neck and décolleté.

7. Eat healthy and incorporate sources of phytoestrogens into your diet

Foods and supplements with phytoestrogens, such as soy isoflavones, help minimize the negative impact of hormonal change in menopause. Therefore, by helping to regulate estrogen levels, it slows down the deterioration of skin tissues.  These products should be ingested under medical supervision, as some produce side effects.

8. Use masks regularly

5 egg masks to beautify your skin

Its application hydrates the tissues and helps reduce those small aggressions that influence the rapid appearance of wrinkles. In addition, thanks to its antioxidants, fats and amino acids, they are ideal for maintaining firmness. Some common ingredients for making homemade masks are:

  • Avocado.
  • Natural yogurt.
  • Olive oil and oatmeal.
  • Coconut oil with aloe vera.
  • Banana with honey from bees.

Do you want a personalized treatment?

If you want a specialized treatment to take care of your skin during menopause, consult your dermatologist. The professional will always be able to tell you what is best for you and why.

Keep in mind that it is not recommended that you apply natural remedies without their authorization, as you could suffer adverse reactions and worsen the problems that you have wanted to try to solve by applying them.

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