9 Tips For Trekking

Make trekking has become an experience to connect with nature. Along the same lines as running , the practice has become popular among millions of people, in part because it very well encapsulates sports demands, general well-being and outdoor adventures.

Although the birth of the activity can be dated during the eighties of the twentieth century, there are still confusions about how it can be practiced, what is the appropriate clothing and what differentiates it from other similar practices. That is why today we will teach you what trekking is and how you can do it.

What is the difference between trekking and hiking?

The main doubt among beginners is the difference between trekking and hiking (also known as hiking ). Although subtle, they allow us to categorize both practices as two separate activities.

In sum, the differences are as follows:

  • Hiking: consists of walking trails or routes marked by mountains, forests and other natural areas. It is common for the activity to be a single day, usually between 2-8 hours of travel. It is also common for it to be circular; that is to say, it ends where it started.
  • Trekking consists of traveling through steep places that do not always have their respective route. The terrain presents elevation changes and demands a longer travel time. In this way, trekking takes 2 to more days, so it requires camping through natural sites.

Due to the difficulty of the terrain and the excess days it takes to complete the trip, trekking requires different equipment and physical conditions than hiking or hiking.

This practice should not be confused with mountaineering or trail running . The first is related to mountain sports, generally mountaineering. The second with what is known as trail racing , traveling specific routes by jogging.

How can you go trekking?

To trek you must take into account some basic guidelines that operate as a philosophy of this activity:

  • Protect the environment: during the tour it is avoided to leave behind wastes that could contaminate the natural heritage. Some hikers use this sport for plogging .
  • Explore alternative routes: although there are routes for trekking , such as the Annapurna circuit or the Tour du Mont Blanc, the meaning of the activity is to explore new paths to travel.
  • Camping during the outings:  cabins and small hostels can be used while the trip is over, but camping is better to achieve contact with nature.
  • Choose long tours: There is no minimum required for trekking , although genuine explorations are considered to last at least 2 days.

Some fans of this sport prefer to do part of the journey by bicycle, so they combine it with mountain biking . As long as the bulk is done on foot or bicycle routes other than the conventional ones are chosen, this is allowed.

Mountain bike.

What are the benefits of trekking?

To the As with other sports that demand a certain effort of physical activity, do trekking  gives you a number of benefits for your health. Although they are many and vary according to how you approach each excursion, the most important are the following.

Improve your posture and stability

Even when you decide to go at your own pace and choose places that are not steep, various studies show that this activity has a positive impact on your posture and stability.

This is achieved both in the lower and upper trunk, so that in the short and medium term you reach a balance that affects your posture. Greater strength in the muscles of the legs and abdomen also contributes to this.

Supports your cardiovascular health

If you decide to trek permanently, your cardiovascular system will benefit. A study carried out in 2014 evaluated the cardiac fitness for 3 months of obese women who started practicing this sport, under excursion intervals of 3 times a week.

The results demonstrated an improvement in heart attack risk reduction, decreased systolic pressure, and significant weight loss. In just 3 months, the participants managed to condition their general physical condition.

The study also found positive results in increasing strength, endurance, flexibility, and lowering cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood glucose.

It is recommended for the control of diabetes

Research published in 2012 in Diabetes Care demonstrated a relationship between trekking and decreased blood glucose and improved insulin levels in the morning.

This was supported by another study, in which these values ​​were monitored during the ascent on a trekking day . The gradual rise in altitude is presumed to produce a series of positive changes in homeostasis in patients with diabetes.

The above should be taken into account in case you suffer from this condition and want to start practicing the sport. Complications can arise in hikers who do not have the proper preparation, so it is recommended that you consult with your GP before starting.

Helps maintain weight

Any physical activity you do has a healthy impact on weight control. Although it varies depending on the route, the speed of the walk and the metabolism, it is estimated that you can lose between 100 and 150 calories for every 1.5 kilometers you travel.

Lower your stress levels

There is a decrease in stress and anxiety when people are acutely physically active. Another way that this sport positively impacts life is by serving as an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

9 tips for trekking

Up to this point you already know what this sport is about, how to practice it and how it can benefit you. It is time for us to teach you some basic tips so that you do not sin as a beginner during your first outing.

1. Do not go on excursions alone

An error that can endanger your integrity, especially if the journey to complete is several days. There are a myriad of complications that can occur, from sprained ankle from a fall to being attacked by an animal. All this, of course, is better to face in company than alone.

There is also the possibility that you could get lost and, due to an error in your communication tools, you cannot establish a connection with family or friends. For all this, it is recommended that your excursions be with at least one partner. The more they join, the better.

2. Bring survival tools

They depend on the type of scenery you have chosen to explore, although the basic ones are the following:

  • Flashlight.
  • Cigarette lighter.
  • First aid kit.
  • Military pocket knife or knife.
  • Whistle.
  • GPS and compass.
  • String.
  • Fire starter.

These are the basic accessories that you cannot miss. Although some may never be used, they should always be available in an emergency. You should pay special attention to your first aid kit.

Bandages, gauze, alcohol, analgesics, antihistamines, antiseptics, medical tape, tweezers, scissors and tourniquets should not be missing. Also try to keep a manual so you can have help in the event of an unforeseen accident.

3. Have a device on hand to communicate

You should always carry your mobile device charged and try to distribute its use according to the days of exploration. It is very useful if you carry an extra battery, especially when you plan to travel a week. If possible, also include a satellite or radio frequency phone.

Satellite phones are best for bypassing the limitations of terrestrial communications antennas. Some are very modern. They allow you to make an emergency call in case you get lost or need help.

4. Get the right equipment

In order for you to have a pleasant experience, you must make yourself good trekking  shoes and clothing appropriate for the occasion. This must be adapted to the climatic conditions of the moment (summer or winter) and to the characteristics of the area to be explored.

It is advisable to dress with layers, if possible with specific clothing to repel the rain. This way you can cope with unexpected drops in temperatures during the night and your body will stay dry in case you stumble into a stream.

5. Get a tactical or survival backpack

Also known as military backpacks , they are those that have been designed to be used in these contexts. They include a variety of compartments to organize your travel instruments and are resistant to water and extreme heat.

Some have special qualities, such as a compartment for water or emergency ropes. External compartments allow you to access compasses and lighters without having to navigate inside.

There are backpacks that include a modular style, that is, they can be attached to other luggage. Thanks to this you can join your fanny pack and other small bags.

6. Bring sunscreen

Many hikers arm themselves with everything they need to trek , but forget to apply sunscreen. Remember that you are exposing yourself for hours and hours, so the risk of injury is very high. You should apply it at least 30 minutes before starting the tour.

As a complement, you should also wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats. Do not forget that prolonged exposure to the sun increases the chances of developing skin cancer.

7. Bring a cane for support

This little instrument can make a remarkable difference on your excursions. It is a tool that supports you in climbing, flat terrain and descents. Its main function is to give you balance and reduce muscle impact.

In fact, there are research and studies that show its usefulness in this sport. They are especially valuable downhill and can prevent knee and ankle injuries. Although in theory you can use any cane, the ideal is that you get a special one for trekking .

Trekking pole.

8. Get a medical evaluation

This is very important before starting any sport, especially one that pushes you to the limit. Talk to your GP about your interest in practicing it and manage a general assessment of your health.

A heart stress test is something you can’t miss at certain ages. Only when the specialist gives you the green light and suggests some recommendations can you start planning the first path to explore.

9. Do not demand more than your level

It is very common that you want to travel dozens of kilometers on the first day, but realistically, the healthiest and most appropriate thing is that you start with consistent goals. Keep in mind that hypoxia and altitude sickness are very common in this sport and can be harmful.

Start by traveling in places with low altitude, that do not go too far from the main path. Little by little you will be able to increase the mileage run and the ascent, although for the moment you must train to acclimatize your body.

Remember to bring enough food and fluids for the number of days you will be trekking . Small snacks that you can try between meals with good doses of carbohydrates and proteins are ideal.

Trekking is a philosophy of life

Those who practice this sport assiduously consider it more of a lifestyle than a practice or exercise. In any case, the benefits it gives to general health and that we have told you about are not negligible.

If you are in doubt, do a little surfing on the web to contact groups of hikers who usually go out regularly. They can invite you to join and make a safe first outing.

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