Exercise Routine To Increase Calves

It is essential that, regardless of the type of exercise you choose to increase calves, you combine it with a series of stretches to avoid possible cramps and injuries.

Do you want to work your legs and improve the appearance of your calves? In that case, you should know that there is  an exercise routine that can help you tone and increase your calves. In addition, it can also be beneficial for shaping the legs and thus looking better.

For both women and men, toned legs with well-defined muscles can help to slim the figure. However, not everything revolves around physical appearance, exercising your legs also helps you have a good posture.

Even if you don’t normally take it into account, remember that the way you step and walk influences the health of your entire body. Therefore, it is recommended that you take care of postural hygiene in various ways, especially by exercising.

Routine to increase calves

Studies suggest that increasing your calves through exercise can help improve your ability to balance. The latter is important, especially in the case of older adults.

On the other hand, a study published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery concluded that calf-raising exercise can help improve walking performance and increase mitochondrial volume density in the gastrocnemius muscle.

Among other things, like other forms of exercise, it helps to improve circulation, prevent ailments and reduce the risk of disease. However, it is essential to supplement it with a good diet and healthy habits. 

In addition, you have to be constant with your practice to obtain relevant benefits. So, if you want to increase your calves, start by practicing the options that we share below.

1. Go up and down stairs

Up and down stairs

Without a doubt, one of the best exercises to increase the calves is to go up and down stairs. In addition, it is a simple, inexpensive and injury-free activity that you can practice in many places.

It deserves the first position in the routine, since you can do it every day with a little discipline and fighting laziness.

  • We suggest that you stop using the elevator in your building and start toning your calves.
  • Remember that the muscles you use to go up and down the steps are different, so you should combine both.

2. Walk around town or go hiking

Hiking consists of walking routes through the countryside or the mountains. This is one of the most practiced sports to strengthen the legs. In addition to physical activity, it brings inner calm, since it takes place in nature.

However, if it is not possible for you to leave the city and have contact with nature, you can walk every day for at least half an hour. You will have the incentive to visit new places and even treat yourself to a rewarding treat along the way.

3. Bicycle

You can do it in the city, in the middle of nature or without moving from an exercise bike. In general, as certain studies show, practicing some modality with cycling can help you improve your aerobic capacity and develop your legs with pedaling.

However, you must remember that it is important to wear the right clothes and accessories to do this sport. Also, if possible, you should have a good bike.

4. Swimming

It is known to all that swimming helps to tone the muscles of the entire body. Therefore, it can complement your routine to increase the calves. In addition, coinciding with a study published in Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation , it also improves flexibility and physical strength.

Swimming is one of the most complete sports that exist, since all the muscles involved are worked at the same time. In addition, it helps improve coordination, as well as the capacity and performance of the lungs and heart.

5. Ankle weights

There is a wide variety of weights that are attached to the ankles with a simple velcro or strap. With this complement we can do all kinds of activities, since the calves will have an added weight.

Remember to start lightly to avoid injury or cramps. Also, don’t forget to stretch before and after. In this way you will be able to develop these muscles to the maximum safely.

6. Squats with jumps


Coinciding with a publication in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, squats can stimulate activity in the calf muscles, as well as the hamstrings, hip and abdominal muscles.

  • To do this you must bend your knees and lower to the maximum, and then jump in a vertical impulse.
  • When landing it goes down again and everything is repeated again.
  • You can start with 4 sets of 12 reps. You will notice the improvement in no time.

7. Jump rope

Jumping rope is a very complete exercise. This can help us  gain muscle tone and strong legs within a few weeks of practicing it. Body balance is also worked on and, above all, physical resistance.

Jumping rope involves a direct effort from the calf with which, in addition, it improves cardiovascular health.

Some of the more intense sports, like boxing, use jump rope workouts for their effectiveness.

8. Elliptical

Elliptical bike.

The elliptical machine is designed to cover a large number of movements. Thus, we  manage to work the calves at the same time as the arms. Also, with this exercise the risk of injury is reduced as long as we do it correctly.

As you can see, there are several forms of exercise to increase your calves and strengthen your legs. Keep in mind that in any case, you must carry them out constantly in order to see results. At the same time, you must maintain good lifestyle habits.

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