Gotu Kola: Characteristics, Properties And Uses

Although it has multiple benefits that allow us, among other things, to treat ulcers or relieve hypertension, gotu kola is known for its properties to reduce cellulite

Gotu kola is a small plant used for Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicines. As time goes by, it is becoming more and more popular in the West.

Perhaps you have seen it in naturist houses and you have wondered what it is for. In this article we will tell you about gotu kola, a very powerful herb.

Gotu kola

Asiatic spark

Its scientific name is Hydrocotile asiatica and it is of Indian origin. This healing plant has thousands of medicinal properties and in eastern lands it is known as Gotu Kola .

The stems of gotu kola are thin, the leaves are long and the roots are beige . The flowers are pink and small. The cultivation of the herb takes place in three months and is harvested by hand.

In dietetics it is sold in the form of tablets. However, in some stores it is also marketed as a plant to make infusions or even as another ingredient in salad.

How can we use and consume it?

For about three thousand years it has been used to cure different ailments both internal and external.

  • In the case of choosing or needing internal use, it can be added to salads or smoothies. You can also prepare an infusion with the leaves of the plant.
  • For external use, poultices or natural plasters are recommended. In addition, we can find different natural products in stores (creams, lotions, gels, etc.).

Health properties

Asiatic spark

There are many benefits that the regular consumption of gotu kola brings to the body. This is due to its multiple properties, among which we highlight healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Internal application

For starters, the biggest advantages stand out in its internal application.

  • It is very useful in cases of bronchitis.
  • Excellent remedy to prevent and treat anemia.
  • In addition, this plant  strengthens the blood vessels and restores elasticity to the arterial walls. 
  • Therefore it is also advisable for those who suffer from high blood pressure or cholesterol.
  • It also serves to treat different problems at the mental level. Consuming this plant is synonymous with enjoying greater tranquility. For this reason, it is recommended in those with very serious episodes of anxiety or nervousness.
  • In addition, it improves brain capacity, by promoting concentration and increasing memory.
  • Finally, gotu kola is recommended for women with premenstrual syndrome.
  • As well as for those who often feel fatigued or tired from everyday activities.

External application

It can be used externally to treat, for example, dermatitis and cellulite. It has even been used for years to cure leprosy.

We can also get preparations with gotu kola in naturist houses and herbalists. Thanks to its power to form collagen and elastin fibers, we can use it to:

  • Heal burns and heal wounds.
  • Reduce wrinkles and stretch marks.
  • Treat sores.

It is also recommended for healthy and strong nails and hair.

Gotu kola for brittle nails

As it is a spectacular venous tonic, gotu kola is also used to treat any ailment related to blood circulation, such as phlebitis.

Other benefits of gotu kola

Asiatic spark

Of course, this powerful plant has dozens of additional properties, and at least a few more of them are worth highlighting:

  • Treat pimples and boils.
  • It is believed that it could eliminate eye infections and combat dryness (although there is no scientific evidence in this regard.
  • Accelerates the healing process in operations.

Gotu kola and cellulite

Beyond all the medicinal properties of gotu kola, the truth is that many know it for its ability to reduce cellulite. To enjoy its effects, it can be consumed orally and also add an external massage treatment.

The substances responsible for turning it into an anti-cellulite plant are several. Some of them are fatty acids, tannins, phytosterols and mucilages.

This plant stimulates the lymphatic system and allows it to excrete waste  through urine, perspiration and feces. In addition, it activates blood circulation, therefore increasing the irrigation and oxygenation of the skin.

  • Treatment is based on the intake of tablets or drops on a daily basis and on performing massages with creams and gels containing gotu kola, at least twice a week.
  • This technique is not advisable for pregnant or lactating women.

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