How To Cure A Sore Throat With Warm Water And Honey

A sore throat can be caused by a virus or bacterial infection. In case of not remitting with natural remedies, go to a doctor to determine its origin.

A sore throat is one of the most common complaints and most of us have suffered from it at one time or another. It can have many causes, so in the face of acute and persistent pain, it is best to see a doctor to make a diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment.

Luckily, in most cases, you can relieve pain with some natural remedies like the one we recommend: warm water with honey.

It is likely that in your pantry you already have an excellent remedy to end a sore throat and you still do not know it. We refer, of course, to honey, which combined with warm water will give you relief from your pain.

What are the causes of a sore throat?

How to fight a sore throat naturally

A sore throat, also known as pharyngitis, is a very common ailment. It is characterized by symptoms such as hoarseness, cough, difficulty and pain when swallowing, and in some cases, fever.

Some cases require to be treated with antibiotics, so it is important to go to the doctor to evaluate the situation. Usually, the discomfort goes away on its own or with the help of pain relievers and anti-inflammatory remedies within a few days. The causes are varied:

  • For example, in the case of children, strep infection, which is caused by strep bacteria and requires medical attention.
  • In adolescents and adults suffering from mononucleosis, a sore throat is also present as a symptom.
  • Viruses like the cold or flu are a common cause of a sore throat.
  • Allergies present a sore throat among their symptoms, especially when they are caused by the lack of humidity in the environment. This is because dry air promotes the appearance of mites. For this reason, in cold seasons, respiratory ailments tend to appear more frequently.
  • Pollution is also one of the causes and, of course, bad habits like smoking. In the latter case, passive smokers are also affected, so they could suffer discomfort from being exposed to smoke inhalation for a long time.

    What are the benefits of honey for a sore throat?

    Honey, in addition to being delicious, has health benefits. Although you probably use it to sweeten drinks, accompany your breakfast or in some dessert, it can also work as a natural remedy.

    This substance has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, healing and soothing properties. Therefore, it can have beneficial effects when it comes to relieving respiratory ailments such as a sore throat. Relieves rash or burning, as it acts as a protective and moisturizing layer on the area.

    It is also believed to have antibacterial properties and to help prevent the infection from spreading or persisting for a long time. In addition, it controls allergies to pollen that in some cases cause a sore throat.

    In short, it is a natural and very delicious option to alleviate this discomfort. Together with a little warm water it will relieve the pain in a few days and you will be able to resume your rhythm of life without any discomfort.

    Warm water and honey to cure a sore throat

    The glycemic index of honey


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


    • Take a pot and heat the equivalent of a cup of water until lukewarm.
    • Then dilute 2 tablespoons of honey in the water and gargle with the mixture. This complementary treatment can be done every day, in the morning and at night, until the pain disappears.

    With this remedy the inflammation in the throat will be reduced and the pain could be alleviated. If you prefer, you can add a little lemon to the mixture and drink it as an infusion.

    Recommendations to relieve a sore throat

    Remember that preventing a sore throat is possible. To do this, it is advisable to take certain hygiene measures and change habits. Wash your hands well and avoid putting them in your mouth. Don’t yell or strain your vocal cords too much. Avoid close contact with people who have viruses, colds, or flu. If you are a smoker, try to quit this bad habit as soon as possible.

    If you have not been able to relieve your sore throat in a week and there are no signs of improvement, see your doctor. It could be a major infection in which the throat is only one of the affected areas.

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