Osteoporosis Can Be Prevented Naturally

Have you ever wondered if osteoporosis can be prevented naturally? According to the Mayo Clinic, osteoporosis is a pathology that affects the bones and is caused by the decrease in the tissue that forms it, both in the proteins that make up its matrix or structure and in the mineral salts of calcium it contains.

As a consequence, the bone is less resistant and more fragile than normal. This disease especially affects women during and after menopause.

Osteoporosis can be naturally prevented if we take some precautions, such as:

  • Take care of our diet
  • Provide the necessary nutrients for bones
  • Avoid sedentary life
  • Eliminate tobacco use
  • Minimize the consumption of alcohol, coffee and refined products.

Nutrition for bones

Natural medicine offers us many alternatives to cover the nutritional deficiencies of the bones. We recommend the following:

  • Liquid organic silicon : This supplement restructures the bone and gives flexibility and movement to the joints.
  • Schüssler Calcium Phosphoricum Salt: This homeopathic salt helps us assimilate calcium better and has no interactions with any medication. We will take two tablets three times a day, separate from meals, for at least three months.
  • Schüssler Silicea Salt: We will also add this salt when we have pain, sensitivity or tendency to fractures.
  • Trace elements : Together with a specialist we will consider taking Manganese-Cobalt, Fluorine, Magnesium and Phosphorus.
  • Vitamin D: If we are lucky enough to live in a sunny country, it will be enough if we sunbathe for a while every day. We will have to do it at low intensity hours, either early in the morning or at sunset. If this is not our case, we can take vitamin D as a supplement. This study from the University of Newcastle corroborates this.

    Can osteoporosis be prevented naturally?

     Carrots also contain healthy levels of minerals such as copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, and phosphorus.

    Let’s see below some foods that it is advisable to incorporate into the usual diet to prevent osteoporosis. Unlike what is believed, dairy is not the best alternative for osteoporosis, since the calcium they contain is sometimes difficult to assimilate. This is suggested by this study by the Salvador Zubirán National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition (Mexico).

    We must also be very careful with foods that decalcify us, since for their assimilation they steal calcium from our body, such as white sugar and coffee.

    • Sesame: contains more calcium than milk and is much more assimilable. We can take the raw sesame ground or in the form of gomasio (ground and toasted with salt), oil of first cold pressing and raw or tahín (sesame paste). We can also beat the tahini with water, lemon, cinnamon and honey to make our own sesame drink. We can also use sesame to batter.
      • Cooked carrot : Much richer in calcium than when raw.
      • Maca: contains a lot of calcium and iron and is also an excellent hormonal regulator. People with uncontrolled hypertension and people with over-excitement of the immune system should be careful. We recommend consulting this article to find out what dose to take.
      • Horsetail : very rich in silicon.
      • Sea water : a natural and very balanced supplement that we can find in herbal and dietary stores. We recommend taking a tablespoon before each meal.

      As you can see, osteoporosis can be naturally prevented by modifying our eating habits and including foods rich in calcium in the weekly menu. Approach your doctor to organize a balanced diet with him to help you prevent osteoporosis.

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