7 Reasons To Detoxify The Liver And How To Do It

The liver is an organ that performs vital functions. It is in charge of filtering the toxins present in the body and, thus, detoxifying it. Therefore, it fulfills multiple functions, being essential for metabolism, the immune system and the digestive system, among others.

However, most of us overload the liver and we slow down its work. In this way, we cause an accumulation of toxins that can affect your health. Therefore, this time we are going to share with you 7 reasons to detoxify your liver.

Why is it important to detoxify the liver?

The liver is the main organ for detoxification. Indeed, it fulfills the function of filtering the blood day and night to eliminate toxins. For its part, detoxification is a vital series of processes that keep the body healthy and free of toxic substances that can cause disease.

In addition, this organ is in charge of filtering and processing hormones, so its correct functioning guarantees hormonal balance. If there is some kind of disturbance, it can cause imbalances such as excess estrogen, faulty insulin production, and much more.

By detoxifying the liver, the elimination of toxins and waste substances from the body is facilitated. In addition, free radicals are fought and the elimination of heavy metals accumulated in the body is also promoted.

But, in addition, there are 7 other important reasons why you should detoxify the liver.

If your diet is rich in saturated fat and processed fat

Many of the foods we eat today are loaded with saturated fat and processed fat that accumulate in our bodies. The consumption of fried foods, non-organic foods of animal origin, processed foods, canned goods and sausages, among others, make the liver work extra and easily deplete. This is because the liver is responsible for breaking down all these foods and, precisely, these are difficult to process.

If you eat a diet rich in processed carbohydrates


Processed carbohydrate-rich foods such as white bread, white pasta, sugary drinks, and sweets, cause liver strain. This is because it has the function of regulating blood sugar levels, so you will have to work harder.

Therefore, if your diet is rich in this type of food, it is very convenient that you detoxify your liver regularly.

If you consume alcohol or prescription drugs

Alcohol and drug chemicals are substances that are very difficult for the liver to filter. When a person consumes alcoholic beverages in excess or takes medications for a long time, they can start to suffer from different disorders. Among them, we can highlight fatty liver or liver cirrhosis.

If you breathe polluted air

There are few places on the planet where we can breathe clean and healthy air. Most of us are breathing polluted air full of toxic particles that can affect our long-term health. The lungs absorb all the toxic substances from the air, but it is the liver that is responsible for filtering and eliminating them.

If you don’t get enough sleep or rest

to sleep

Although many times you ignore it, not resting or sleeping well greatly affects your quality of life. In the case of the liver, restful sleep is essential for its optimal function. For this reason, it is important to rest well and give him that time to fulfill his duties.

If you exercise too much

Although exercise is key to removing toxic substances from the body, abuse of it can be harmful.

Indeed, excessive exercise could increase the action of free radicals, giving you insufficient time to fight them. If this is your case, it is convenient to detoxify and take a well-deserved rest.

If you eat a diet low in micronutrients

Nutrients that should not be lacking in a healthy diet

Micronutrients are essential for proper liver function. It is key to eat a diet that provides vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B3 and B6 and vitamin E, among others. Additionally, you need essential amino acids like glycine and taurine, as well as calcium. If your diet has these deficiencies, it is important to improve your diet and take supplements if necessary.

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