Cocoa, Coconut Oil And Ginger Bonbons Against Fatigue

At some times of the year we can feel more tired and lack of energy. It may be due to temperature, overwork, changes, etc. We often turn to stimulants like coffee or cola, or some supplements. However, what do you think of some delicious chocolates?

That’s right, and in this article we offer you a delicious alternative to obtain energy in a pleasant and simple way.  We propose you some chocolates of cocoa, coconut oil and ginger.

Give them a try!

Energy chocolates?

energy chocolates

There are many foods that help us obtain energy in a healthy way,  unlike other stimulants that can give a false sense of energy in the short term, but later make us feel tired again, or even more.

In this article we propose you to make some chocolates with three foods with incredible properties that will help you activate your metabolism and feel more vital.

In addition, they are delicious and are very simple to prepare.



Pure cocoa has nothing to do with chocolate. It is a medicinal food with ancient uses that stands out for its content in vitamins and minerals and for its high antioxidant power, which helps us prevent aging.

Cocoa is a very energetic food that athletes, and even astronauts, often consume to maintain good levels of vitality and easily regain strength. Indeed, its alkaloid content makes it a stimulant of the nervous system that helps us feel active and improve our concentration.

In contrast, commercial chocolate contains significant amounts of sugar, milk, and other less healthy ingredients. For this reason, we recommend making these homemade chocolates with pure cocoa powder.

Coconut oil

Extra virgin coconut oil is another natural product with multiple properties, whether we consume it or apply it topically to the skin or hair.

Although this oil is not a stimulant, it has many regulatory properties, which help us overcome any imbalance that may be causing us fatigue.

In addition, it has the virtue of activating the metabolism, which makes us feel more energetic and consume more calories. For this reason, despite being a fat, it is highly recommended in weight loss diets. In effect, instead of being stored as fat, the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil go directly to the liver for energy.



This exotic spice from the rhizome of the plant stands out for its refreshing and spicy flavor. In addition, it is very popular in many Asian cultures, not only because it enhances the flavor of recipes but also because of its digestive properties.

Ginger stimulates the nervous system, activates the functioning of the body, improves mood and increases our defenses.

We can consume it fresh or in powder. In the case of our recipe, it will give a very special touch of flavor that combines perfectly with the bitterness of the cocoa and the softness of the coconut.

How do we prepare the chocolates?


  • 2 cups of pure cocoa powder (200 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of raw ground or grated ginger (30 g)
  • 6 ½ tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (100 g)
  • Sweetener to taste, preferably stevia, honey or brown cane sugar


  • First, if the coconut oil is solid, which happens if the ambient temperature is below 23ºC, we will put it in a water bath or near a heat source. It is about making it liquid, without cooking it, so that it does not lose its properties.
  • Later, when it melts, we will mix it with the rest of the ingredients and we will sweeten it in a moderate way. We can try it until we get the desired flavor.
  • Next, we will put the liquid in a mold for chocolates. If we don’t have one, we can also use an ice bucket.
  • Then we will put it in the fridge and let it cool.
  • Simply put, in a short time our chocolates will be solidified and ready to eat.

We can take these chocolates at any time of the day, according to our routine. However,  at night they can cause us a stimulation that makes it difficult for us to sleep. Therefore, the best time to eat them is in the morning. In addition, you can also consume them before making a physical or mental effort.

In any case, remember: for your body to function better, it is best to maintain a balanced diet and healthy habits, exercise, rest and drink enough water.

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