Strawberry, Oatmeal And Ginger Slimming And Healthy Smoothie

During the first days of the year, many people tend to look in the mirror and regret (at least a little) of the excesses of food committed during the holidays. Therefore, they are looking for recipes like the following slimming shake that we are going to tell you about.

It is made from three ingredients that are not only delicious when combined in the same drink, but also contain various nutrients that contribute to health, while helping to improve intestinal transit and reduce inflammation of the abdomen.

What should you do to lose weight after the holidays?

At any time of the year, to lose weight in a healthy way and without rebound effect, the best thing you can do is consult your doctor (or nutritionist) and follow their instructions. 

It will be essential that you adopt a healthy diet and forget about the “miracle” diets that, although they promise a lot, only manage to put health at risk in the medium and long term.

On the other hand, it is good that you try to learn more about what are the most recommended diets by health and nutrition experts. Two of the most prominent examples are the Mediterranean diet and the Harvard dish.

It is important that you learn to choose natural and healthy foods, which nourish you, satisfy you and allow you to continue enjoying food, but without starving.

What is a slimming shake?

A slimming shake is a drink in which you can enjoy various foods of plant origin, such as fruits, vegetables, and cereals, among others.

You can also add sources of healthy fats (such as avocado) and, why not, some spices with digestive and anti-inflammatory properties.

When prepared and consumed in moderation, within a healthy lifestyle, slimming shakes can help you lose weight and, at the same time, supplement your diet in a delicious way.

A good slimming shake should contain, above all, fresh fruits and vegetables, which are sources of fiber and other essential nutrients. However, they can also include nuts, grains, and seeds.

Properties of its ingredients to lose weight

All foods have calories. However, in this case, the body spends more calories assimilating them than they contribute, which favors weight loss.

Others, on the other hand, contain fiber to satisfy us and facilitate intestinal function. Or they increase metabolism to burn more calories.


Oatmeal cannot be missing in a healthy and balanced diet. Although it is not low in calories, it contains so many nutrients that it helps us prevent health problems and achieve an adequate weight.

  • This cereal is very rich in fiber. It also contains minerals such as iron, zinc or magnesium and essential fatty acids.
  • It is a very satiating food that provides energy, regulates sugar levels, fights anxiety and improves digestion.
  • It is ideal to fight the cravings that make us eat uncontrollably.


  • This exotic spice with a refreshing and spicy flavor stands out for its ability to increase energy metabolism, which allows us to burn calories more easily.
  • In addition, it helps regulate appetite, combat fluid retention and reduce bloating.
  • Ginger is the perfect seasoning for all kinds of foods. Well, it facilitates digestion and enhances the juiciness and flavor of food.


According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), strawberries are fruits with low energy content that also:

  • They provide citamine C, anthocyanins, organic acids and fiber.
  • They are one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant capacity, not only due to their anthocyanin content, but also due to the presence in their composition of amounts of polyphenols (ellagic acid) and vitamin C, which contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.

Slimming shake recipe


  • Ripe strawberries (10 g).
  • Oat flakes (30 g).
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • A pinch of grated or powdered fresh ginger.


  • The night before, soak the rolled oats in the glass of water. It should be like this for a few hours to facilitate the preparation of the shake and improve the digestion of this cereal.
  • Then in the morning add all the ingredients to the blender glass (the previously washed ripe strawberries, the oatmeal and the water in which we have soaked it, in addition to the ginger).
  • Process everything well until completely homogenized.
  • This shake will be a smoothie , that is, quite thick and creamy. If you want it more liquid, add a little more water and process again.
  • Avoid adding sugar, honey, stevia, or other sweeteners. 
  • Serve and consume in moderation.

This slimming shake is very easy to prepare and you can take it as part of breakfast or as a mid-morning snack, before doing your exercise routine.

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