5 Tricks To Thicken The Eyebrows With Natural Products

Many women are interested in natural products to thicken the eyebrows. Although there is no miracle ingredient to make them grow overnight, there are several options that can be useful to strengthen them and stimulate their growth.

These days, having thick, full brows is a trend when it comes to aesthetics. Therefore, if you want to improve its appearance, you can try the preparations that we share below. Do you dare to try them? Take note!

Natural products to thicken the eyebrows

Today, the cosmetic industry offers pencils, gels and other makeup products that can help give a plump appearance to the eyebrows. However, there are those who seek to stimulate their growth naturally. Is this possible?

Well, increasing the volume of the eyebrows overnight is impossible. Despite this, in popular literature it is said that some products contribute to its growth. Let’s see in detail how to do them.

1. Aloe and coconut to thicken the eyebrows

Due to its content of amino acids and essential fatty acids, this mixture of aloe vera and coconut oil seems to be a good adjuvant to thicken the eyebrows without aggressive treatments. In addition, it is recommended to alleviate the weakening of the hair.

According to a study in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science , coconut oil may help reduce protein loss from hair, which could explain its benefits on hair growth.

Aloe and coconut to thicken the eyebrows


  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (45 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (20 ml).


  • Add the aloe vera gel to a glass container and mix it with the coconut oil.
  • Make sure you get a homogeneous product and store it in a cool place.

    Application mode

    • Dip a small brush in the mixture, and rub it over the brows from the roots.
    • Then cover them completely, let it act for 30 minutes and rinse.
    • Repeat its application at least 3 times a week, before going to bed.

    2. Garlic and olive oil

    This remedy should be used with caution, especially in the case of sensitive skin, since its garlic content can be irritating in some people. However, for most it is safe.

    According to a publication in the International Journal of Trichology , products like olive oil can help stimulate hair growth. Therefore, it has been suggested that it also helps thicken the eyebrows.


    • 1 clove garlic.
    • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (20 ml).


    • Put the garlic clove in a mortar and crush it into a paste.
    • Add the olive oil and mix it to get an oily product.

      Application mode

      • Spread the garlic paste with oil on the eyebrows and leave it on for 30 minutes. Be careful with the eye area, as contact with these can cause irritation.
      • After the recommended time, rinse with plenty of water.
      • Use it 2-3 times a week for best results.

      3. Coconut milk and vitamin E

      Adding a little vitamin E oil to coconut milk results in a mixture that helps improve the appearance of the eyebrows. These ingredients provide antioxidants and amino acids that could easily penetrate hair follicles and make hair grow stronger.


      • 3 tablespoons of coconut milk (30 ml).
      • 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil (5 ml).


      • Add the coconut milk to a clean container and mix it with the vitamin E oil.

      Application mode

      • Rub the product over your eyebrows, using your fingertips or a small brush.
      • Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse.
      • Use it every night before bed.

      4. Olive oil and castor oil

      A combination of healthy oils like olive and castor can help to naturally thicken your brows. Since they contain vitamin E, fatty acids and mineral compounds, it is believed that they can contribute to strong and full brows.

      Olive oil and castor oil


      • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (10 ml).
      • 1 tablespoon of castor oil (10 ml).


      • Add the oils in a bowl and mix them until you get a homogeneous product.

      Application mode

      • Dip a brush or piece of cotton in the product and rub it over your eyebrows.
      • Cover them completely and leave it to act without rinsing.
      • Repeat its use every night before going to bed.

      5. Rosemary and argan oil lotion

      Both rosemary and argan oil are known in cosmetics for their ability to strengthen hair. Although each individually could have benefits for the brows, this mixture is a good idea to combine their properties.


      • 3 tablespoons of rosemary oil (30 ml).
      • 2 tablespoons of argan oil (20 ml).


      • Pour the rosemary oil into a small jar and combine it with the argan oil.

      Application mode

      • Take a small clean brow brush and dip it into the product.
      • Spread it over the eyebrows and let it absorb without rinsing.
      • Apply it at least 3 times a week.

      What should you keep in mind about these tricks?

      Finally, it should be remembered that the effects of these natural remedies are not immediate. You need to be consistent with the application to get its benefits. However, the evidence on its effectiveness is insufficient. Therefore, they may not work in some cases.

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