Learn To Control Your Anger With These Simple Tricks

Also known with names such as rage, fury or anger, anger is a feeling that invades us in certain situations in life and that many find it difficult to control. This can cause serious problems for yourself and the people around you. Learn to control anger with these wise tips.

Most of us have been through this uncomfortable and exasperating feeling. Therefore, we are going to detail a series of tricks that will allow us to take control of our actions when experiencing this type of sensation.

What is anger?

Liver and gallbladder, rage and anger

Anger is the union of various negative feelings, such as outrage, anger, and frustration. It is also influenced by other factors that, in one way or another, are related to violence.

It is a common behavior in all human beings. Although in some cases it is necessary to be angry, the important thing is to know how to control it. When we do not know how to control anger, this can lead to depression, hypertension problems and even passive-aggressive behavior.

Are there people who get more angry than others?

Yes, there are people who get angry more easily and intensely than others. For example, some individuals get angry, but do not show it. However, they are often irritable, withdrawn from society, sick or bitter.

Individuals who get angry easily are people of low tolerance; They find it difficult to handle unfair or difficult situations because they feel that it is not their place to be linked to them.

There are people who are irritable, either due to genetic factors or because they were not taught to handle certain situations. For example, in the case of the genetic factor, children are known to be easy to irritate from birth, both from hunger or sleepiness and from being in an uncomfortable environment for them.

On the other hand, there are people who are not taught certain values, such  as the need to strive to achieve their goals. So when they want something and don’t get it, they get irritated easily.

Why does a fit of anger occur?

1. Out of frustration

An event or situation that interferes with the realization or fulfillment of some objective goes directly to the individual’s thinking as a sign of blocking what they want. Thus, it can turn into anger, as suggested by this study carried out by the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina).

It also happens when there is unfair treatment, rights are violated or the law is violated before society. In these circumstances, we can feel anger because we are social beings. Likewise, this feeling can also appear when we do not get a reward after an action.


2. Adverse scenarios

The experiences of physical and even sentimental pain are causative and determining agents in the development of anger. Not feeling understood, an unexplained breakup, or betrayal are also triggers for this feeling.

Steps to Control Anger or Anger

1. Relaxation and breathing techniques

The freedom of control of emotions

Relaxation is one of the best ways to control anger. This is achieved by breathing deeply, trying to meditate for a period of ten minutes, visualizing positive scenarios or situations for the mind.

If we do it constantly, it will create a link with our internal world. Thus, our attitude will be unshakable despite the circumstances. In the same way, numerous investigations (such as this one carried out by the Center for Psychological and Sociological Research of Havana, in Cuba) affect its benefits as complementary therapy in some disorders.

2. Positive thoughts and attitude

Cheerful and angry bipolar girl.

By thinking differently, bringing positive situations to your mind and seeking awareness, a state of calm is achieved and there are fewer regrets. When we are angry, we can act unreasonably and cause harm to those we love.

3. Listen carefully to others and with emotional maturity

Being angry, we cannot solve problems. Ideally, we should focus on finding ways to solve them, instead of acting in an angry way.

In times of discussion, we should take time to listen to the other person and also to think about our responses. Maturity will drive us to avoid conflicts and people with toxic qualities, no matter how much we love them.

4. Calmly express emotions

If we want to say something delicate, it is better to wait a reasonable time. We could ask ourselves: “What I say, is it to solve the problem or do I just want to hurt the other?” We must slow down, because in these circumstances we could give wrong answers, which make things worse.

5. Do not take offenses and ignore lies

Always remember that, by keeping calm, seeking inner peace and feeling capable of facing situations, you can easily handle this emotion, which can cause us so many problems.

One of the best ways to control anger is not to take offense. We are only offended by a message when we receive it. Ultimately, anger hurts ourselves, not the other. 

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