What Are Empty Calories And What Foods Are They In

Have you heard about empty calories? Do you know what they are and how they sabotage your efforts to reach your ideal weight? Read on to find out all about this important concept.

When we want to lose weight, we measure what we eat, we try to avoid excesses and we count calories, right? The problem is, many of us don’t know what empty calories are. You know it?

The reality is that if you’re not careful, you could be consuming them and limiting the results of the diet. To help you avoid it, we will talk to you about them and the foods in which they are found. It is important to avoid the intake of foods that contain these nutrients in order to prevent the appearance of pathologies in the medium term.

What are empty calories

Low calorie diet.

Empty calories are those that do not provide nutrients. What you will get is only Energy which, if you don’t spend, quickly turns into fat that accumulates and makes you gain weight. Therefore, it has been shown that the intake of these substances is related to obesity.

One of their main problems is that foods high in empty calories often contain sugars, dyes, saturated fat and trans fat. For this reason, not only do they not contribute anything, but they can also cause health problems, according to a study published in Cardiology .

This class of calories is often called “SoFAS” for its English terms “Solid Fats and Added Sugars”. If you are concerned about health, surely you already know that these ingredients are on the prohibited list (or at least within the occasional consumption) in a healthy diet.

Should I avoid calories?

After reading about the risks of empty calories, the question arises as to whether you should keep calorie intake to a minimum. The reality is that the body requires calories to function properly.

Think of calories as the gasoline that powers your car. If you don’t fill the tank, you won’t get anywhere. However, you must be careful to choose foods that provide calories with nutrients.

Empty calorie foods

Let’s now discover together those foods that contain the highest amount of empty or unhelpful calories and that, as far as possible, you should avoid:

1. Commercial cereals with sugar

Sugary cereals.

Although you must include cereals in the daily diet to obtain carbohydrates, it is advisable to avoid the box ones. These include corn flakes, instant oats , and wheat derivatives that include added sugars or colorings.

While they may seem very healthy, they tend to contain high amounts of sweeteners. In case your lifestyle requires quick options and this one seems the best for you, check the label.

Avoid those that contain high amounts of sugars, sodium, and colorants per serving. The best thing would be to consume the ones that are high in fiber, although their flavor may not be so appealing to the palate.

2. Soft drinks and commercial beverages


According to data from the US Food and Drug Administration, another of the products that contain high amounts of empty calories are commercial beverages. Here we can count flavored waters and soft drinks , for example.

To do this, it is recommended to reduce your consumption and opt for healthier drinks. If you want to drink something “flavored”, better prepare some healthy juices or natural smoothies. Remember that water should be the main hydration route in a healthy diet.

Although soft drinks and drinks that are advertised as light have less sugar, their calorie level is still high. This is because to maintain their freshness, color and flavor they require sweeteners, sodium and other chemicals that are of no benefit to the body.

3. Fried snacks


We know that you may occasionally have a craving for some fries while watching your favorite TV series. Or maybe, you went to the movies and you can’t avoid the popcorn. However, you should know that due to the way these foods are prepared, they provide saturated fat.

The best alternative is to prepare your own snacks at home . If you fancy some popcorn from the movies, make sure the portion is small and occasionally. For chips at home, it’s best to prepare them fresh and baked. In this way, you will control the salt and avoid excess fat.

4. Breads


Both sweet bread and box breads provide a large amount of calories empty spaces that are best avoided. We know that this is not easy because not everyone has the possibility of preparing their own breads.

However, We recommend avoiding those that are too commercial and have been prepared with refined flours . Whenever you can, choose the comprehensive options. 

We must not forget that the regular consumption of foods with carbohydrates or simple sugars can increase the risk of obesity and metabolic diseases, according to a study published in Yonsei Medical Journal.

Restrict your intake of empty calories

Now that you know what empty calories are, you can adjust your habits to eat the healthiest possible diet. Remember: a healthy diet does not mean completely eliminating sweets from your diet but consuming them occasionally, to give yourself a treat, and in small portions.

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