Causes Of The Feeling Of Emptiness In The Stomach

We have all felt that characteristic emptiness in the stomach at some point. We associate it with nerves, with those unruly emotions that are sometimes stored in what is often called the “second brain”.

Now, when that stomach upset is persistent and pain appears, that’s when we worry.

Although it is true that factors such as stress cause us more than one digestive problem, there are very specific diseases that are related to this problem.

Next, we explain the causes that you should take into account. However, in the event of any discomfort or doubt, your doctor will offer you the best diagnosis and the help you need.

For what is this?

When we consume a certain type of food and, after a while, we feel burning, we know that there is something that has not done us well. The same happens when we have a few days of many nerves and the digestive system is also “upset” a bit. In this case we feel an upset stomach, we are not hungry and we may suffer from diarrhea.

Now, the emptiness in the stomach related to some type of disorder or disease is always accompanied by intense burning. Let’s see what kind of ailments are associated with this problem.


When we suffer from gastritis, one of the most common symptoms is an empty stomach. So much so that during the day it is the first thing we are going to feel.

It is a burning emptiness that causes us fatigue and a lot of discomfort. Sometimes we may even find it difficult to stand.

This emptiness is due to irritation of the gastric mucosa that surrounds the stomach. This disease that we have all suffered at some time has an infectious origin.

Helicobacter pylori bacteria , for example, are associated with some types of gastritis.

Likewise, certain very greasy foods, alcohol or even some medications can also cause us to suffer from gastritis at any given time.

Therefore, it is important to receive a good treatment according to our particular needs.

Nor should we forget that if a child tells us that he feels an emptiness in the stomach or burning, it is necessary to take him to the doctor.

Peptic ulcer

There are many types of stomach pain. Now there is one that can be easily identified. If you feel an emptiness in your stomach between one and three hours after meals, in this case we could sense the presence of a peptic ulcer.

empty gastric ulcer in the stomach

When you have a peptic ulcer it is because our stomach acids have destroyed some area of ​​the lining of the stomach or duodenum.

That burning or emptiness sensation appears either after eating or during the night, and prevents us from getting adequate rest.

Again, the most common cause of peptic ulcers is Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Likewise, certain anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, can also cause them.

Nor can we forget that stress or very spicy foods tend to aggravate the symptoms of ulcers.

How to relieve the feeling of emptiness in the stomach

As we have indicated previously, it is necessary to have the diagnosis of our doctors. Once we know what causes the emptiness in the stomach, we can take complementary measures.

On the other hand, there are simple home remedies that we can follow at home and that can be useful for both gastritis and ulcers.

5. Aloe vera

Here are some simple examples.

  • Take a glass of warm water (never cold and even less hot) mixed with a tablespoon of honey (25 g).
  • Drink a natural carrot juice.
  • Ginger infusions are very therapeutic, they help us to calm pain and feel better.
  • Coconut water is also very suitable.
  • Potato juice has long been used to treat peptic ulcers. To do this, you will only have to grate a medium potato and then press it to obtain its natural juice.
  • Aloe vera is one of the most beneficial natural plants for this type of digestive system disorder. Do not hesitate to prepare a couple of infusions a day.
  • Papaya, for its part, as well as pears, are two fruits that will suit us very well when we feel that emptiness in the stomach.

Do not hesitate to take care of your diet and, above all, avoid aggressive or high-fat products. The emptiness in the stomach always has an origin that we must know.

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