Types Of Nose: What Is Yours?

There are different types of nose and each one has its characteristics and also its charm. Do you know them all? They are various and depend, to a great extent, on geographical and cultural ancestry. Keep reading.

From an aesthetic point of view, the center of the face is very important for the harmony of the features. Hence, it is considered that the face depends, to a large extent, on the types of nose.

Of course, apart from this, the nose allows us to breathe, perceive odors and also serves to support the glasses. But in this article we will only talk about varieties. Do you know which one is yours?

Different types of nose

The nose, as part of the features, is different and characteristic of each person and each face. For this reason, it can be said that, despite the fact that they are all different, they always harmonize.

However, the anatomical design is basic: two cavities through which air enters the nostrils, two fins that cover these cavities, the septum and the tip. These, in turn, are the elements that determine the shape of the nose.

However, between one nose and another there are differences that can be remarkable. They vary according to the shape of the bridge, height and width, opening of the trenches, among other aspects. From this it is possible to classify them into large groups, according to their general shape.

Profile nose of man.

Snub nose

The flat nose is characterized by having a short bridge with some sinking. The nostrils are extended to the sides. Also, the tip is flat.

It is called this way due to the fact that people who have this type of nose present, in profile, a sunken or flattened appearance. That is, the nasal appendage protrudes little from the face. The flat nose prevails, with certain differences, between populations with yellow and black complexions. In Asians it is less wide than in individuals with African features.

Upturned or upturned nose

Unlike the previous one, the upturned nose has a protruding tip that becomes sharper. The septum is usually straight, although it curves a little towards the end. Therefore, the graves appear to point forward.

This type of nose is common among people from Northern Europe. Although it is quite predominant in other human groups. This form is due to an adaptation of the organism to breathe better the cold air.

Seen in profile, the upturned noses appear pointed, like those of some comic book characters. In cosmetic surgery it is the most requested. However, it is appropriate to point out that not all faces harmonize the same.

Wide nose

The distinctive feature of the broad nose is a constant thickening, from the straight septum to the tip. In this way, it tends to appear wider than it is tall. The famous basketball player Lebron James has this type of nose.

The fins are dilated, as well as the nostrils. It is also called Nubia , as it is common among the inhabitants of this region. Although it is present in other North African populations, including Sudan, as well as African Americans.

Aquiline or Roman nose

The aquiline nose shows a high, long and pronounced bridge. The septum curves inward at the tip. For this reason it is called like that, since it resembles the beak of a bird. It is the most conspicuous view in profile.

It is characteristic of populations in southern Europe (Spain, Italy, France and Portugal). It is also present among the Arabs and those regions that at some point in the past were occupied by them, as well as in Slavic peoples.

Greek nose

The Greek nose is balanced in its proportions. The bridge is straight, the septum barely protrudes and the nostrils are small, so the fins dilate little. It is the perfect complement to the so-called Greek profile .

This is the type of nose that is observed in the pictorial and sculptural works of classical Greco-Roman antiquity. It predominates, although not exclusively, in the European countries of the Mediterranean basin.

Bulbous nose

As its name implies, its shape is reminiscent of a bulb. It is bulky at the bottom, although without being entirely wide. In fact, the fins don’t stick out that much.

Of course, the rounded or ball-shaped tip is noticeable, as well as the enlargement of the part that surrounds the fossae. It is also common in black skin, in Afro-descendants, and in mixed-race Americans.

Small nose

The small nose looks upturned, but much shorter at the bridge and septum. At the base it can be rounded, although it is generally not very wide, with small fins and tiny nostrils.

If it is measured from the arch of the eyebrows to below the nostrils, the distance there is is short compared to the other types of nose. Reason why it looks so small on the person’s face.

Big thick nose

It is one that occupies a noticeable volume on the person’s face. They can be proportioned, aquiline or large-finned, with a rounded or bulbous tip.

In profile they are quite noticeable, but also from the front. The famous character in literature Cyrano de Bergerac is the emblematic case of a person who is attributed a large and prominent nose. This type of nose does not predominate in a particular population group, although it is less common among Asians and North Europeans.

Woman's nose profile.

Uneven, wavy, or asymmetrical nose

In some people, the nose may be somewhat uneven. One side is different from the other. It can also look like a curved, front view, as S . The unevenness or asymmetry may have been caused by trauma. An example of this type of nose is seen on the face of actor Owen Wilson.

Mixed noses

The nose is the part of the face that attracts the most attention. Each of the types of nose is different and very personal. However, not everyone agrees with yours. Hence, many consider the possibility of undergoing a rhinoplasty as an option to improve or change the shape.

Although the need for a surgical procedure may also be due to a health problem, a deviation of the septum or a congenital malformation.

Generally speaking, the shape of the nose reflects many things. Some are not about us, but about our ancestors, culture, and geographic location. In this way, nose types can also tell us who we are and where we come from.

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