Is Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey In The Morning Healthy?

Apple cider vinegar is an acidic and abrasive liquid that, despite its various benefits, should not be consumed in large quantities because it is detrimental to health.

According to popular beliefs, the mixture of apple cider vinegar with honey could contribute to health, since both ingredients would stimulate digestive functions, helping to accelerate metabolism and promote weight loss, without interfering with the assimilation of nutrients when eating.

In hopes of obtaining these benefits and preventing illness, some people consume one tablespoon of this mixture daily. At first hour of the morning. On the other hand, others take advantage of it in the middle of the morning, after breakfast or their training session in the gym.

The question is: does this remedy really work? Could it deliver what it promises? What substances in the vinegar and honey would be responsible for providing benefits?

We will delve into these details below to clear up any doubts.

A folk remedy

The combination of apple cider vinegar and honey is a popular remedy that has been attributed, above all, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. As we mentioned before, it can be prepared in different ways (as a syrup or drink) and everyone consumes the amount they consider necessary (or are recommended).

It is believed that when it is prepared with organic honey and apple cider vinegar, the health benefits are multiplied, since there would be no added ingredients, such as sugars and preservatives.

Despite popular belief and claim, there is no scientific evidence that the combination of apple cider vinegar and honey is especially positive for health or provides any specific benefit. However, those who have tried it say that it is beneficial.

Apple cider vinegar for the skin.

Find out: Is propolis a natural antibiotic?

Alleged benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar and honey

  • It would help treat joint pain.
  • Helps reduce abdominal inflammation.
  • It would be a stomach tonic that would help reduce pain and heartburn.
  • It would improve digestion, bowel movement and combat constipation.
  • It would be good to relieve a sore throat and some related symptoms.
  • It would improve the health of the skin and combat the action of free radicals.
  • It would help eliminate bad breath and contribute to oral health.
  • It would help control blood cholesterol levels, while helping to prevent and improve hypertension.

Homemade recipe

Today, people maintain a hectic pace of life and constant stress, which sooner or later ends up affecting their health.

To maintain a good energy level, prevent chronic fatigue and other discomforts, it is believed that by preparing and consuming an energy drink containing apple cider vinegar and honey, you could complete the day without problems. 

According to popular beliefs, it would be advisable to drink this drink in the morning before starting any activity. Before or after breakfast.


  • 1 glass of warm water (250 ml)
  • Honey from bees (1 teaspoon)
  • Apple cider vinegar (5 ml)


  • Put the water in a cup and heat in the microwave for 1 minute.
  • Add the honey to the water, stir several times with a teaspoon and wait for it to warm.
  • Add the apple cider vinegar, stir everything again.

Consumption mode

  • Supposedly, the best way to take full advantage of its benefits is by drinking this mixture on an empty stomach, at least 20 minutes before breakfast. Although it can also be taken at other times of the day, depending on preferences.
  • In any case, you should not ingest more than one glass a day because it could be harmful.

Apple vinager


We must bear in mind that consuming large amounts of apple cider vinegar can cause discomfort (such as stomach pain, burning, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, etc.) and even promote nutritional deficits.

On the other hand, apple cider vinegar could also cause interactions with diuretic medications, laxatives, and drugs for diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, in these cases it is best to consult a doctor before consuming it.

In case of experiencing discomfort, its use should be discontinued immediately and, if there is any unfavorable reaction that prevents a normal life, the most appropriate thing would be to go to the doctor as soon as possible for an evaluation.

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