Medicinal Plants To Relieve Hand Pain

Hand pain can affect you greatly. Those who suffer from it know how disabling it can be in day-to-day tasks. The night cramps, numbness of fingers, pain and inflammation are just some of the symptoms most known (and feared).

In many cases, surgical treatment will be almost unavoidable. However, s According to popular beliefs, there are some medicinal plants that can relieve pain and other discomforts, such as inflammation and redness. We will tell you more about it below.

What can be the causes of hand pain?

The pain in the hand can progressively spread to the wrists and fingers. It is a very common discomfort, especially among women or people of both sexes who exert a lot of effort with the upper limbs. The causes can be very varied. Let’s do a brief review.

Causes of pain

  • Carpal tunnel: it  is a very characteristic pain that occurs due to the   median nerve , which presses the  carpal tunnel in the wrist. The classic symptoms include tingling and numbness of the fingers, especially at night, when the pain can be very high. There are many species of plants that could be helpful in reducing both carpal tunnel inflammation and pain.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis:  it is a disease of the cartilage of the joints. It causes very painful inflammation both in the joint and in the adjacent soft tissues. The cause is unclear. At the moment there is no cure, although there are alternatives to help   reduce pain and inflammation.


    • Arthritis of the thumb : Over time, it is not uncommon to develop osteoarthritis, especially in the wrist joint and the base of the thumb.
    • Tendinitis:  a bad movement, carrying something with a lot of weight or a small accident can result in the rupture or inflammation of one of the tendons of the hand.

    Medicinal plants that could relieve hand pain


    It is believed that it could be beneficial in relieving joint pain, whatever its origin. This could be due to the following reasons:

    • It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as stated in this study by Dr. Venugopal.
    • Turmeric is a good natural resource to control the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Due to all these properties, it is a good supplement to take on a daily basis. It can be tested by drinking as an infusion. To prepare it, it would be enough to use a teaspoon of turmeric. Optionally you can add a touch of honey.

    Turmeric root


    Ginger  has anti-inflammatory properties that may be suitable for relieving pain caused by swelling, according to this study from Isfahan University (Iran).

    It is possible to add a cup of ginger infusion to the diet as a supplement. To do this, you have to grate its root until you get a tablespoon and cook it in a pot with boiling water (a glass of approximately 250 ml).

    Burdock root

    Burdock root can easily be found in health food stores. It is also often found in pharmacies, in the form of tablets to relieve joint pain.

    Burdock contains essential fatty acids and anti-inflammatory properties, as stated in this study from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. However, more research is needed, as some organs may prevent it from being processed adequately when consumed orally. This means that alternative forms of administration should be sought.

    If you want to try, burdock root can be eaten dried and chopped. For this, it is enough put to cook, in a pot with water,  a tablespoon over low heat for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, it is left to rest for another 5 minutes and is accompanied with a little honey.

    The white willow

    The white willow is not so well known. Even so, it can be found in tablets or ready-to-drink in natural stores and pharmacies. But how can it help with hand pain?

    According to this study by the Jordanian University of Science and Technology, it has recommended anti-inflammatory properties, and no side effects have been reported, compared to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Although the sample has been made on animals, it has been used as part of naturopathic medicine for years, especially in cases of arthritis or osteoporosis.

    To take it, the ideal is to make a decoction with the equivalent of one tablespoon. It is usually  eaten in combination with mint or ginger and tastes good. It is worth a try.

    In conclusion

    Although there is a belief that some medicinal plants can contribute to the relief of discomforts such as pain in the hands, there is still much to investigate in this regard. For now, it is best to consult with your doctor before using them to get relief.

    It is important to remember that none of these elements can replace the treatment of a specialist. They can be included in the diet as long as the doctor confirms it, and they should never be ingested without checking for any related allergies.

    If in doubt, it is best to go to a specialist. If you have any of the symptoms and they persist over time.

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