Brewer’s Yeast Diet

Brewer’s yeast can be considered a food that provides positive benefits to the body. However, it is recommended that before consuming it, you consult an expert in the area and that you also lead a healthy lifestyle that includes cardiovascular exercises and rest days with a minimum of 7 hours a day.

Many people try to modify their eating habits to achieve a balance in their weight, in relation to their height, sex and age, mainly. Thus, they adopt diets mainly for two reasons: to gain or lose a few kilos. Among the most chosen diets is the brewer’s yeast diet.

Below we will tell you more about this diet and what contributions the consumption of this food can provide to health. 

What is brewer’s yeast?

Brewer’s yeast is a ferment that is obtained in the manufacturing process of one of the most consumed beverages in the world but, unlike this, it does not have alcohol. It is produced by the decomposition of barley, causing a dry and pulverized fungus that receives the name of Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

It can be grown in laboratories for the purpose of being used as a nutritional supplement, but most of the beer yeasts we consume today are obtained from what is left over from the beverage manufacturing process.

There are two types of beer yeast. First, there is ale yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ), which is highly fermented and also works at a warm temperature, between 18 and 24ºC. The second type would be lager yeast ( Saccharomyces pastorianus ), which is the one that ferments at low temperatures, between 7 and 12ºC.

Beer yeast

Brewer’s yeast can be a valid food to include as a complement to a balanced, varied, rich and sufficient diet. Although it has come to be classified as a “superfood”, diet and nutrition experts point out that, in reality, its contribution is not so noticeable, by itself. 

However, for every 100 grams of brewer’s yeast you can get:

  • 51 g of protein.
  • 22 g of dietary fiber.
  • 4 g of fat. Of which, only 1 g is saturated.
  • 37 g of carbohydrates. Of which 12 g are sugars.
  • Minerals and vitamins: zinc, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), copper, calcium and iron.

Who could include it in their meals?

First of all, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist about how to take advantage of brewer’s yeast in the diet. The professional is the one who can best offer guidance on how to consume it, but above all, in what quantities.

Generally, the consumption of this food is recommended to the following people:

  • People with diabetes.
  • Patients with liver diseases.
  • Patients who have high cholesterol levels.
  • People suffering from anemia or other dietary deficiencies.
  • Those who suffer from hormonal imbalances (progesterone, thyroid, testosterone).
  • Adolescents, since this food can contribute to their healthy development.
  • People who follow vegan and vegetarian diets (to increase protein intake).
  • Athletes, because it could help improve performance and oxygenate muscle tissues.
  • Those who are dieting to lose weight. Thanks to its amino acids, minerals and vitamin B2, they make it a suitable product to provide energy and satiety, therefore, daily food consumption is regulated.

It is important to bear in mind that, although brewer’s yeast can be consumed by various groups of people, we must consult with the doctor before starting to consume it regularly within the diet.  

Contributions of brewer’s yeast to lose weight

It is said that it is advisable to consume between 20 and 30 grams of brewer’s yeast daily. However, it is suggested, in the first instance, to consult a professional nutritionist, who could recommend an adequate dose based on age, weight, height and gender, mainly.

So, among its benefits, we can mention:

  • The positive effects on glucose, diabetes and appetite.
  • It helps control weight.
  • Improves the appearance of skin, nails and hair.
  • It helps to have a better digestion and intestinal transit.

Beer yeast

Tips for the Brewer’s Yeast Diet

  • Choose live and bitter yeast. This, in order to avoid yeasts that have undergone chemical or washing processes that usually reduce the influence of their nutrients.
  • Add brewer’s yeast to your lunch salad or grilled hamburger.
  • Buy flaked yeast to add to dishes, such as salads and cakes.
  • Consume it in afternoon snacks, as an alternative to ultra-processed white and edible carbohydrates.
  • It could be added in natural smoothies (fruit or vegetable) during the day to satisfy the appetite.

Final note

It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Not only does it work to carry out this type of “miracle” diet, it is necessary and advisable to exercise 2 or 3 times a week.

In the same vein, drink water daily, between 3 and 4 glasses of water, avoid excessive consumption of certain foods, such as fried foods, white flour and refined sugars. In this way, better results could be obtained in shorter periods of time.

Once again, remember that if you have questions about how to lead a healthy lifestyle, consult your doctor.

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