Benefits And Dangers Of Crossfit: What You Should Know

Crossfit is a sport that can bring significant benefits when practiced properly. However, it carries risks that are worth knowing. Discover them!

The crossfit is a high intensity sport that has managed to spread throughout the world. Although its initial objective was to prepare people with jobs of high physical demand, such as the military, today it has adapted to all types of public. Do you know the benefits and dangers of crossfit ?

Although this type of training is quite attractive for those who want to lose weight, increase muscle mass and gain resistance, there are some disadvantages that must be considered before practicing it. Next, we go over it in detail.

What is crossfit?

Before knowing the benefits and dangers of crossfit , it is important to remember what this sports discipline consists of. It is a form of training based on constantly varied exercises, with functional movements that are executed in a certain time, which should not exceed 50 minutes in duration.

Activities that are practiced include cardiovascular exercises, weight lifting and strength work; In addition, it is intended to explore different abilities and physical capacities of the person through calisthenics and gymnastic exercises. Therefore, some physical conditioning, flexibility, balance and muscular and respiratory resistance are necessary to carry it out.

Likewise, this discipline requires correct biomechanics of movement, since poor execution of the exercises can lead to injuries to the spine, joints and other parts of the body.

Precisely in terms of the risk of injury, a study published by Workplace Safety & Health explains that it is comparable with other exercise programs. So what are the benefits and dangers of crossfit ?

Routine for bodybuilders

Benefits and dangers of crossfit

Although crossfit has gained millions of followers around the world, its practice has been a subject of controversy. Many of its benefits have been supported by studies, such as one published by the Iranian Journal of Public Health , but the multiple cases of injuries and serious consequences have generated the idea that it can be dangerous.

The big problem is that many have decided to practice it without previously evaluating their physical condition and health. Even some people have followed intense routines without the supervision of an expert trainer. Let’s see in detail its benefits and risks.

Benefits of crossfit

In contrast to what many people think, the crossfit  is not a kind of exclusive training for high – performance athletes. In fact, it is currently being promoted and its practice is open to most people.

However, it is necessary to know how to adapt it to the physical capacities of each one. In this sense, the training routine is not the same for a person in poor physical condition as for those who do sports regularly or who are used to intense exercise.

For this reason, it is essential to consult a doctor and evaluate physical performance before starting to train with an exercise routine.

Whereas it concludes a study published by Sports Sciences for Health , and respecting the biomechanics of movement involving each exercise, the crossfit interesting offers benefits such as:

  • Increases muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory resistance.
  • Enhances the ability of coordination and balance.
  • Improves mood and self-esteem.
  • Contributes to increase muscle mass.
  • Helps to lose weight as it is considered a “fat burning” sport.
  • It encourages relationships, as it is often practiced in a group.

Dangers of crossfit

As we have mentioned, the practice of crossfit can be dangerous when precautionary measures are not taken. If the person does not first assess their health status or does strenuous routines without having enough physical resistance, they are exposed to these consequences:

  • Injuries to muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones.
  • Injuries to the spine.
  • Weakening and prolonged fatigue.
  • Alterations in the cardiovascular system, such as increased blood pressure.
  • Rhabdomyolysis, a disorder detailed in a WebMD post that involves the breakdown of muscle tissue. By producing the release of contents of muscle fibers in the blood, it leads to problems such as kidney failure and arrhythmias.
    Examining the column

    Keys to practice crossfit

    For the practice of crossfit to be safe, it is necessary to keep in mind some keys. First, determining the state of health and whether there are possible conditions is paramount. It should not be ignored that intense exercise is discouraged in the case of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, according to a study published by the Canadian Family Physician .

    Other important questions are:

    • Start with moderate routines adapted to the physical condition.
    • Increase the intensity of the exercises gradually.
    • Take enough time to rest and recover.
    • Ensure adequate hydration.
    • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
    • Do warm-up and stretching exercises before routines.

    Evaluate the benefits of crossfit and decide if it is for you

    Now, apart from this, it is of great importance to consult with a specialized coach in this discipline. The professional will be able to teach the exercises appropriately to reduce the risk of injury.

    Are you interested in practicing this sport discipline? Take into account its benefits and risks and evaluate if it is suitable for your abilities, objectives and tastes. Also, don’t forget to get advice before you start!

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