7 Tips To Cope With Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a disease characterized by causing shortness of breath, coughing, and other discomforts. This time we share some tips to cope with your symptoms.

Bronchitis is a respiratory disease that occurs when the bronchial tubes become inflamed. These are tubes responsible for transporting air from the nose and mouth to the lungs. For this reason, as a result of this disease, there are difficulties in breathing, coughing and congestion. Do you want to learn to cope with bronchitis? Then do not stop reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

In most cases it is possible to treat this disease with some care at home. Although the doctor may prescribe some medications, first he suggests some strategies to improve it naturally. Only the most severe cases require antibiotics, bronchodilators, or pulmonary rehabilitation therapies.

Tips to cope with bronchitis naturally

Many of your symptoms begin to improve significantly after two weeks. However, if the disease is chronic, it is best to consult your doctor to determine the best treatment.

In either case, making some lifestyle adjustments can help increase your sense of relief. This care minimizes the severity of symptoms and accelerates the recovery process. Discover them!

1. Increase the consumption of healthy liquids

Drinking liquids abundantly allows us to hydrate and facilitate the expulsion of mucus.

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One of the keys to coping with bronchitis and reducing congestion is ensuring adequate consumption of water and healthy fluids. This type of drink helps to thin the mucus, facilitating its expulsion when coughing it or blowing it through the nose. In addition, they prevent dehydration of the body.

What liquids can you drink?

  • Natural water.
  • Natural juices.
  • Warm water with lemon.
  • Chicken or vegetable broth.
  • Herbal or fruit infusions.

2. Install a humidifier

The humidifier is an excellent tool in case of suffering from bronchitis or any lung disease. As Mayo Clinic experts point out, breathing in the hot, humid air produced by this element loosens the mucus in the airways and reduces coughing. Of course, keeping it clean is paramount to ensure these benefits.

3. Avoid tobacco

As scientific evidence reveals, one of the worst enemies of respiratory health is cigarettes. Therefore, one of the keys to coping with bronchitis is to avoid tobacco as much as possible. Its toxins easily cross the respiratory tract, causing irritation in the bronchi and lung damage.

  • If you are a smoker, seek help to quit smoking.
  • Remember that breathing cigarette smoke is also harmful. If you don’t smoke, avoid being around those who do.

    4. Do physical exercise

    woman stretching before exercising

    Although high-impact activity is discouraged for patients with bronchitis, a low-impact routine can be very beneficial. Regular exercise strengthens the muscles that help you breathe, which reduces complications from the symptoms of this disease.

    • Sedentary people should start doing it slowly and gradually, with a short duration and intensity. If possible, it is best to design a plan with the help of a professional.

    5. Using steam therapies

    Steam therapies are very helpful in coping with bronchitis. They help break up mucus to make it easier to pass. On the other hand, they relax the muscles that can be stressed due to coughing. In addition, they reduce congestion and help you breathe better.

    • To do this type of therapy you simply have to heat water to boiling point. Then, you can add a little eucalyptus or thyme essential oil.
    • Afterwards, you inhale the steam, covering your head with a towel to make the most of it.
    • You do the treatment for 3 or 5 minutes and rest.

    6. Sleep well

    Breathing difficulties and the cough that occurs due to bronchitis can make it difficult to sleep. However, it is essential to try to have a good quality of sleep to improve immune functions and speed up the recovery process. What can you do?

    • Ensures a comfortable sleeping environment.
    • Avoid using distracting elements, such as computers or mobiles.
    • Consume soothing teas, such as chamomile, valerian, or lavender.
    • Practice a relaxation technique shortly before bedtime.

    7. Maintain a healthy diet

    Eating healthy foods can help increase the feeling of relief from any respiratory problem. Adequate absorption of vitamins and minerals helps maintain an optimal response by the immune system, accelerating recovery from bronchitis and other infections.

    Make sure to consume:

    • Citric fruits.
    • Berries.
    • Green leafy vegetables.
    • Whole grains.
    • Nuts and seeds.
    • Fatty fish.
    • Lean meats
    • Herbs and spices.

    Are you trying to cope with bronchitis and its uncomfortable symptoms? Take these recommendations into account. If you don’t notice an improvement in a couple of weeks, see your doctor.

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