The Best Drink For Weight Loss

There are some drinks that can stimulate weight loss as long as they are included in the context of a healthy diet. We detail them below.

Many people are looking for easy and effective methods to lose weight. Most indulge in products that promise miraculous results, many go on diets, while a few exercise.

In reality, the only way  to lose weight is a comprehensive plan that includes a controlled diet and regular physical activity. Improving habits is crucial to achieving goals.

Drinks to complement your weight loss plan

The drinks that we are going to discuss next are effective to combat overweight, if you consume them as part of a comprehensive plan. They won’t do it on their own if you don’t do your part!

1. Cold water, the best drink of all

Woman drinking artichoke water.

Some studies suggest that drinking cold water helps speed up your metabolism, thus eliminating more calories. It is best to consume at least 500 milliliters of this drink every day, as part of the 2 liters per day of liquids that are recommended in a healthy diet.

It should be noted that drinking a glass of water before meals has been shown to increase the feeling of satiety. This reduces the risk of eating too much or unhealthy foods later.

For this reason, the best drink to lose weight (and take care of health in general) is water.

2. Vegetable juice

This drink is considered a great help to lose weight mainly because a small glass of this juice makes the body feel full sooner.  Consequently, you will consume an average of 135 fewer calories.

3. Green tea for weight loss

Green Tea

This drink, like black tea, speeds up your metabolism, so you can burn more calories. According to a study published in Molecules , the polyphenols in this infusion stimulate weight loss.

On average, green tea can help you burn 35-43% more fat than other beverages.

4. Skim milk

Although controversial opinions about the consumption of milk in adults appear from time to time,  skim milk seems to quickly break down the fat that is stored in the body.

If you are not allergic or do not have lactose intolerance in milk, you can drink 1 or 2 glasses a day.

5. Fortified drinks

These types of drinks contain many minerals and vitamins, and they also  produce a feeling of satiety, thus preventing you from eating more. However, it is important to consult a specialist before consuming them. The doctor can know which of the nutritional drinks is the best for each one. In addition, it will establish the dose that you can consume daily.

6. Coconut water

This drink contains much more electrolytes than others. This means that it hydrates better than drinks that contain large amounts of sugar or artificial flavorings.

As if that were not enough, coconut water speeds up the metabolism and provides more energy. There is research that claims that coconut water is capable of modulating inflammation. However, these tests have been carried out in animals, so the results cannot be fully extrapolated to humans.

To lose weight in a healthy way, you need good habits

Anyway, these drinks alone do not work miracles. Without adherence to a varied and balanced diet and without physical exercise, weight loss would be difficult to achieve. He thinks that it is essential to prioritize the consumption of fresh food over processed food. The latter tend to contain high amounts of sugar and trans fats, nutrients that promote inflammation and obesity.

You also have to guarantee a good rest. During the hours of sleep, the production of hormones that improve the health of lean tissue is stimulated, which will increase its functionality later. This will achieve a more efficient metabolism and a better feeling of vitality when exercising.

Include weight loss drinks in your diet

If you take care of your habits, the regular consumption of the drinks that we have presented will help you achieve better results in terms of weight loss. Its consumption has to be practically daily, although in moderate quantities. It is not optimal that they substitute water as such.

Keep in mind that some of these drinks may be discouraged in certain situations. For example, tea is not recommended for pregnant women. In these cases, the risk of miscarriage could be increased due to the theine content of the infusion. To heal yourself in health, consult your doctor if you suffer from any pathology. This way you will be able to know if there are interactions with the drinks that we have detailed.

Also, if your goal is to improve body composition, do not hesitate to go to a nutritionist to adjust the diet. This will be of great help and will increase the harvest of future successes.

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