6 Natural Products To Drain

Horsetail tea is a diuretic drink that can help combat fluid retention.

In the colloquial sphere, it is possible to hear or read expressions such as: “I feel heavy, maybe I should take some of the natural products to drain.” However, ‘drain’ is not exactly the most appropriate term to express the idea of wanting to expel from the body what has accumulated (liquids and waste) and that is causing heaviness or other discomfort.

The Dictionary of the Spanish language indicates that the verb ‘drain’ –in its second meaning– refers to the action of: “ensuring the exit of fluids, generally abnormal, from a wound, abscess or cavity”.

So ‘drain’ does not fit what is actually meant. However, people get the idea and therefore continue to turn to various products to drain.

Drain, as a synonym for ‘expelling’ what is retained

To drain, or rather, expel the wastes and liquids that have been retained from the body, it is best to eat healthy and hydrate properly on a daily basis.

On the other hand, it is advisable to exercise day by day, as this contributes to well-being in general and helps to maintain a good intestinal transit.

There are those who believe that they can complement (and to some extent ‘reinforce’) these three habits of life with the consumption of some natural drinks that, above all, contribute to hydration and the stimulation of urination.

Natural products to drain

Natural drainage products are, for the most part, foods and beverages that can be included in the diet in a moderate way, to promote good intestinal transit and stimulate urination.

Remember that, if you have any concerns, the best thing you can do is consult your family doctor. The professional can always give you the best guidelines for your well-being.

1. Fennel

Fennel seeds to drain

When consumed in the form of an infusion, in a moderate way and always within a balanced diet, fennel is said to help eliminate retained fluids. 

Instead of drinking the infusion, there are those who take advantage of fresh fennel to vary their salads. Both options are valid, however, in the popular sphere it is usually recommended to take more advantage of the infusion when you want to ‘drain’, since it helps to supplement daily hydration.

It should be noted that excessive consumption should be avoided. This is because fennel can cause discomfort of various kinds, in some cases, if moderation is not maintained.

2. Aloe vera

It is said that aloe vera – given its composition in general – can help to drain and also contribute to the relief of constipation and other similar ailments.

However, this study carried out by Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) suggests caution when consuming it, since its intake can cause hepatotoxicity. If you want to try an aloe remedy, the most sensible thing to do is consult your doctor first.

3. Green tea

Green tea is a drink with a diuretic effect. For this reason, many people consume it to eliminate retained fluids and ‘drain’ their body naturally.

Like other natural drinks, it is advisable to consume it in moderation and always, 45 minutes after a main meal, to avoid interfering with the assimilation of nutrients. It is also important to pay attention to its contraindications. For example, people with low blood pressure, when drinking it, may experience discomfort.

According to a study published in 2002, this drink is contraindicated in the following cases:

4. Pineapple

Pineapple is one of the fruits with the highest water content, being rich in fiber and low in calories. In addition, it contains three enzymes that improve both digestion and  blood circulation: bromelain, extranase and pineapple.

The first of these, bromelain, has anti-inflammatory properties, according to this research by a team from the University of Florida.

For all these benefits, it is recommended to take advantage of the consumption of pineapple within a balanced diet, both to enjoy its good taste and to ‘drain’ in case of heaviness and fluid retention.

5. Horsetail, one of the most recommended natural drainage products

The infusion of horsetail, one of the natural diuretics

The infusion of horsetail is another of the most recommended natural drainage products, since it has a diuretic effect, as stated in this research carried out by a team of researchers from the University of Goiás.

Research also indicates that horsetail may help decrease the size of kidney stones and increase the filtering capacity of the kidneys.

6. Cherry cola

Another natural drain on the list is cherry cola. It is said that, as it contains a certain amount of potassium, therefore, it would help to drain. How? Through the stimulation of urination, as stated in this research carried out at the University of Iran. 

Do you need to drain ?

If you consider that you need to ‘drain’, we recommend that you improve your lifestyle habits, according to the guidelines that your doctor has given you and that you consult with the professional about the consumption of beverages and supplements such as those mentioned above.

It is preferable to inform yourself well first and avoid adverse reactions to try without medical authorization and suffer discomfort later.

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