6 Habits That Damage Your Lung Health

Oxygen is the fuel for your lungs. Giving up some bad habits, such as smoking and leading a sedentary life, is essential for good lung health and good breathing.

The lungs are the largest organs in the body, and their job is to take in oxygen from the air and expel carbon dioxide. In addition, they allow the proper functioning of the brain. The problem is that, with the hectic life we ​​lead, we stop breathing properly and we adopt some habits that affect lung health.

Therefore, to avoid long-term respiratory problems, it is essential to make certain adjustments in the daily routine. These not only contribute to maintaining the proper functioning of the respiratory tract but to improving health in general. Discover what are those 6 habits that can damage the lungs. 

Woman with her hands on her chest where there is a drawing of her respiratory tract.

What habits damage your lung health?

The lung is an organ with a large and vulnerable surface. Its function is to capture oxygen from the environment to live and help expel gases that are harmful to the body. A) Yes, they receive oxygen and cleanse the blood of some impurities.

When we talk about lung health, we are referring to the prevention and management of lung diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis or any inflammation in the lungs or airways. However, these conditions do not occur alone.

In general, they are linked to bad habits that we carry out every day. Therefore, to have a healthy life, it is important to avoid the practice of the 6 routines that we detail below. Breathe and fill your body with vitality!

Young woman filling her lungs with air in a meadow.

1. Lack of physical activity

Being physically active not only helps you be in good general health but also helps your lungs carry more oxygen. In this way, they provide energy and, at the same time, remove a higher concentration of carbon dioxide from the body. 

In relation to this, a publication of the American Lung Association points out that exercise, by improving physical condition, makes the body more efficient at bringing oxygen into the bloodstream and transporting it to the muscles that need it. This process makes the lungs stronger and stronger.

2. Do not do breathing exercises

It is very likely that in the day-to-day rush we forget how to breathe properly. So sometimes we feel tired for no apparent reason. To avoid this, it is best to put aside any thoughts and take a moment to breathe in and out calmly.

Breathing exercises help lung health and provide the calm necessary to complete pending tasks. So just a few minutes of conscious, slow breathing a day could make a difference.

3. Smoking

It is no secret to anyone that cigarette smoking is one of the causative agents of lung diseases. According to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , smoking it can be a risk factor for the development of lung cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or asthma attacks.

Avoiding this practice is ideal for good lung health. You will be able to breathe better and you will increase your quality of life. In fact, ten years after quitting, the risk of dying from lung cancer is cut in half. 

Hand holding a lit cigarette.

4. Not cleaning the home or workspace

Cleaning within the home and workplace is essential to avoid the appearance of pulmonary diseases. The habit of having everything messy and living with dust is very harmful to the lungs, in the long run.

Although most dust particles are filtered through the nose, an article from the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety suggests that those that make it through accumulate in the lung tissues, which could cause injury to this organ.

5. Not protecting yourself from the weather

Exposing yourself to rain or low temperatures is a risk factor for the appearance of flu or viruses.  First of all, if you are going out and see that the weather is cloudy or you are in winter, remember to keep warm.

Unsurprisingly, a poorly cured flu or allergies caused by changes in the weather will affect lung health. To avoid this, bundle up and consume vitamin C to strengthen the body and protect it from viruses found in the environment.

6. A bad diet

Believe it or not, poor diet is one of the habits that damage lung health. As another American Lung Association article indicates , including the right nutrients in your daily diet can help you breathe and, in some cases, minimize asthma symptoms.

Do not forget to eat foods that contain vitamin D, as this is important to strengthen the immune system and help reduce inflammation. Fortified milk, salmon, orange juice, and egg are some of the options.

On the other hand, tocopherol, a chemical compound in vitamin E, helps reduce some asthma symptoms such as coughing and wheezing. Include products such as almonds, raw seeds, chard, mustard greens, broccoli and hazelnuts in your diet.

In summary, changing these 6 habits can help you enjoy good lung health and breathe easily. Put aside these bad habits and give your body the quality of life it needs. Take care of your lungs and breathe!

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