The Best Education Is Offered By Being The Best Example

Education is the greatest challenge that human beings can carry out . It consists of raising mature, responsible and emotionally healthy people. Many parents often complain about their children’s rebellion, their indomitable or even too introverted personality.

In this sense, we must bear in mind that children should not be exact copies of ourselves. We have to allow them to be different, to have their own will and voice. Now, if you really want to offer them the best education, always be the best example.

Children need adequate educational models for the best education

There is one thing that we all have to know in advance, and that is that, sometimes, we have several children and each of them has a personality, a way of behaving and reacting to certain things.

It is something habitual and that we must accept. Now, leaving aside the variability of characters and those aspects that are sometimes determined by genetics, the weight of an authentic education will be determined by what they see at home.

Children are not limited to imitating, but it is a more complex process that takes into account the following aspects that we are going to comment on below.


You are their first social and emotional contact


Our children process every stimulus they receive from the outside, be it positive or negative. From the first moment they come into the world, each touch, each word and each sensation will translate into a neural expansion.

The more positive stimuli, the better maturity. If babies grow up in a context in which a proper bond is not established with them or where their cries are not attended to, their brain will suffer emotional stress that will affect their proper development. And so this study published in Preliminary Communication points out. Psychoanal notebook.

During the first months of life, children will only need affection, basic care, routines and the important fact of “feeling safe.”

At what point are we going to be your examples, that is, those focal points to focus on? More or less when they begin to acquire language and communication skills.

We have to bear in mind that we are that first approach to society. We are, so to speak, a “micro-society” with which they have contact, where there are rules, a certain style of communication and a series of customs.

Children observe, process and internalize

Children don’t just copy. They can, for example, mimic your movements to learn to tie their shoes. Now, if we teach that simple process to them with shouts and reproaches calling it “clumsy” or with verbalizations such as “you are the most incapable child in the world” , they process that experience with a feeling of anxiety and fear.

Thus, what they internalize is that home teaching occurs severely. If this type of behavior is common, we will be setting a destructive example, lacking in pedagogy and this will mean a lack of respect for our children and even for ourselves.

Educating is offering the best of ourselves. It is forcing ourselves to be better to give the world happy children  and mature and emotionally capable adults thanks to an education without screaming based on respect and communication.

How to be the best example in the education of your children?

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Don’t get hung up on being the perfect mother or father ; do not suffer if you have to spend some time away from home because you have to work. What is necessary, what is essential, is that the time you share with your children is of quality, as this article published in Social Pedagogy: interuniversity magazine points out.

Keep in mind that the example is given every day and in the most insignificant acts. The tone of your voice, the way you react to problems  or the way you treat other people is decisive.

The example is also given being consistent with our educational guidelines. There must be an agreement of guidelines and norms between the father, the mother and the grandparents. It is important that there are no differences, because we all educate ; all members of the family offer an example.

Your words educate, your closeness and your emotions are educational models. It is not about reading endless volumes of child psychology or pedagogy to offer the best education to children. It is simply about maintaining a balance, offering support, security and a healthy affection where there is no “overprotection”.

Finally, remember that no mother or father has the infallible formula to offer a perfect education. However, we will have a lot of ground gained if we start as the best of the examples for them.

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