Better Alone Than In Bad Company

If that company brings you more sorrow and worry than joy, perhaps you should consider the possibility of walking away. Because sometimes it is better to be alone than in bad company.

Surely you are familiar with the saying  better alone than in bad company . And there is no better decision than to choose solitude before being in contact with toxic people.

Sometimes it is very difficult for us to get rid of situations, relationships and individuals that are making our life a true martyrdom. Why do we stick with them? The answer is simple: out of fear.

Better alone than in bad company in a life full of bitterness

Sometimes it is better to be alone than to allow our life to transform into an existence full of sadness and bitterness. We will understand it better with some examples.

Let’s imagine that Cristina, a woman of about 32 years, has been with her current partner for 5 years. However, for some time the relationship is no longer the same. Now Cristina has to deal with arguments that occur almost daily.

Female relationship problems span many conditions.

He is not happy and no longer feels the same way about his partner. But he has a great fear of ruining a relationship that has lasted so long. Also, what would their parents say?

Cristina has become so focused on her partner that she hardly has any friends to lean on, so the situation is complicated. This happens in many relationships. However, you only have two decisions to make.

One of them is to continue with the usual dynamics, to continue being unhappy and holding on. Another is to break their relationship, despite all the fears that address it. The latter will guarantee you a new path to take, probably much better.

Even if you are left alone and have the feeling of helplessness, you may be calmer, more serene and much happier.

Surrounding ourselves with people just to avoid loneliness does not bring us anything good

There are toxic relationships that we have with other individuals that do not necessarily have to be bad people. However, the relationship we establish with them is not healthy. There may be manipulations involved, lies, envy or even abuse.

The important thing is to ask ourselves, what do we gain by being there, allowing that situation? It is clear that we are not well, that we are in bad company. The problem is that we are afraid and it prevents us from making a decision and walking away.

As we can see,  fear always accompanies us in these situations and, sometimes, this fear is enhanced by the fear that those people around us instill in us.

Sometimes toxic relationships are established with friends, family, or partner. The importance that we give them will also determine the difficulty to be able to get out of a circumstance like this.

The importance of not being afraid of loneliness

Being better alone is not an option for many. Well, from a young age they instill in us that if we do not have friends or a partner, we are literally “failures.” Loneliness is not usually frowned upon, because it is not appreciated, nor is it understood in many cases. It is considered from a superficial point of view.

For this reason, it is very difficult for us to let go of certain types of relationships, even if they hurt us in one way or another. Why are we allowing ourselves to be manipulated? Why do we endure until exhausted the humiliation and mistreatment that others give us?

Let’s think if we really want to spend the rest of our days like this, impassive, without making a decision that will benefit us because of that fear that they have instilled in us to be alone and that is not even ours.

Woman taking a hot bath to relax.

Yes, as you read it. The fear of loneliness is a learned fear. Because if someone close to you were to experience a situation similar to yours, you would surely tell him to go away, to get away. You would be clear about what should be done. Now, when one experiences it in one’s own flesh, the question changes a lot of mind.

However, it is much smarter to choose to be happy than to live bitter and surrounded by people who instead of adding, subtracting or simply do not help us feel good frequently.

We can choose, so let’s get it right. Because our happiness matters and we don’t have time to waste in sadness, in bad times and in people who make us feel bad. Better alone than in bad company.

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