The Consumption Of Kefir Would Bring Health Benefits

Today it is very fashionable to talk about milk kefir, a dairy product that bears a certain resemblance to yogurt. Many have been encouraged to try it, while others are still reluctant to give it a try. What does become universal is the tendency to affirm that this product can bring great health benefits.

According to research, the consumption of this food can be beneficial for health in certain scenarios, especially combined with a healthy lifestyle. Now what are they? We will see them in detail below.

Nutritional value of kefir

Kefir is a food that became fashionable as a light or fitness alternative to many yogurts with this type of labeling. In fact, many people came to associate it as an “organic” or “bio” yogurt and therefore, a healthier option, because unconsciously it was attributed a greater amount of nutrients. This idea was not entirely misguided.

Discover kefir: A natural way to strengthen your defenses!

Various studies have been able to verify that this food is not only a good alternative to other products due to its nutritional value, but that it can be very convenient for gastrointestinal health, since it is a probiotic that contains multiple beneficial bacteria to improve (or maintain, as the case may be) the intestinal flora or microbiota.

In other words, by improving the microbiota, it helps maintain the health of the rest of the body. At this point, let us remember that “the main functions of the intestinal microflora include (1) metabolic activities that translate into energy and nutrient recovery, and (2) protection of the host against invasion by foreign microorganisms. Gut bacteria play an essential role in the development and homeostasis of the immune system ”.

On the other hand, kefir is a food rich in nutrients such as calcium, potassium and phosphorus, and vitamins A, B2, B9, D and K.

Benefits for the digestive system

Because the bacteria and yeast present in kefir interact to form the enzyme lactase, necessary to assimilate lactose, this food is suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

It is also important to include it in the diet as a probiotic, since it adds beneficial bacteria, capable of strengthening the state of our intestinal flora. With this we strengthen the immune system and prevent infectious problems from appearing.

In conclusion, kefir helps regulate the digestive system, helping to prevent constipation. Although it is advisable to moderate its consumption to one or two glasses a day.

Regulates blood sugar levels

It is important to highlight the presence of natural sugars in kefir. This can be a tool for regulating blood sugar. Especially in people who fight against diseases like diabetes.

Although it cannot eliminate blood sugar problems, it can help to level blood glucose. It is recommended to consume between 120-150 milliliters to regulate blood glucose.

Protein source

Proteins are essential for repairing and rebuilding organs and systems. In the case of kefried milk, we find an important source of easily digestible protein.

This is healthy for the heart, as it helps us prevent digestive and cardiovascular problems.

What else is there to know?

Yogurt and other dairy products do not need to be eliminated from the diet just to consume kefir, unless instructed to do so by your doctor. It is also not necessary to eat kefir daily in large quantities to “boost” health and increase performance overnight.

Remember that it is useless to eat healthy one day and then commit excesses and maintain bad life habits, or eat a little kefir to “strengthen the body” and then eat a large amount of ultra-processed foods.

In fact, it is enough to include it in moderation on a regular basis in a balanced diet. Only if the doctor or nutritionist specifies the way of consumption, you should follow their instructions. For the rest, it is not necessary to go to any extreme.

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