How To Express Our Emotions

Saying what you feel is important for a number of reasons: you take a load off your shoulders, improve relationships, and this simple act is able to help you on certain occasions. But other times it is not possible to express emotions adequately.

In the following article, we give you some tips so you can get it.

Before expressing emotions, learn about them

As a first step, it is essential to identify emotions. And it is that these together with the feelings are an important source of information: they guide, advise, allow you to understand what happens to you and also relate you to others.

So, it is good to be able to recognize what one feels, accept the emotions, express them and take charge of the consequences (good or bad). You can ask yourself: what am I feeling? Why is that emotion appearing at this moment?

In order to express emotions you must first learn about them. Because if you don’t know what the true feeling is, then you won’t be able to explain it. Do not be afraid to say what worries you, you like, you fear, you hope or you cannot bear. And don’t assume that others know how much you love them, that you’ve forgiven them, or that you don’t like something about their behavior.

How to express emotions?

Emotions can be related to joy, anger, sadness, fear, or surprise. It is good to express them because they release tension, allow you to relate to others and facilitate communication.

But being able to say what one feels is not an easy task. It takes some practice and some dedication.

1. Face reality

Do not fool yourself and put aside the excuses. Although it is difficult to express emotions, you should do it like an adult. Also, if you hide them, they will chase you and be lurking waiting to come out at the least suitable occasion.

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For this reason, even if it is something complicated, you must do everything possible to express your fears, anguishes, frustrations, love, forgiveness and gratitude. You may see it as embarrassing and intimidating, but when you finish speaking, you will feel relaxed and at peace with yourself .

2. Avoid negative words

Even if you have something “bad” to say, try to use nice, cute or soft words. In this sense, a mistake that is usually made is to use negative expressions to blame others, disqualify the other, distort reality or feel like a victim of the situation.

These actions can harm you more than benefit. So pay attention to the way you express your emotions to avoid conflict.

3. Sort the ideas

When you want or need to express yourself, sometimes it may be difficult for you to follow a plan. It is possible that you speak “in a gush”, and the person in front of you often tells you to stop a bit, take a breath and start again.

Have realistic thoughts

If you have a hard time saying how you feel, a good idea is to write down the most important things on a piece of paper. In this way you can follow an order, and when you “go around the bush” you can return to the starting point or where you have stayed.

4. Deliver the message in the first person

When you include someone else in the message, you are assuming that you know what they feel or think. Sometimes this habit can backfire or become a problem.

Therefore, it  is better to speak from your own and unique perspective, which, ultimately, is the one you should know more about.

5.Use written media

Is it difficult for you to express yourself face to face? Although not the best idea, sometimes you can protect yourself in a text message, a letter, an email, or even an audio.

The good thing about these means is that it is possible to review their content before sending it, and correct what you do not consider appropriate. But, on the other hand, it can be synonymous with little interest or lack of courage.


In turn, be careful because written messages can be misinterpreted by not having voice inflections, body gestures or the option to ask at the moment when something is not understood. However, it can help to get started.

6.Pay attention to non-verbal communication

When you talk to someone, you communicate things consciously and unconsciously with your body and face. Without meaning to, you move your hands, touch your nose, look away, etc. And that may or may not help you when you are in front of a person.

In this line, to express emotions you can take advantage of that non-verbal language. How? Using them through a posture, a confident voice, or calmer gestures. Even if you are nervous, you can demonstrate something else by paying more attention to your body movements.

7. Wait for the right moment

It is essential to be careful about choosing the right time and place to express your emotions. Put aside the impulsiveness that sometimes brings various headaches.

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Instead, analyze what specific situation is conducive to talking and, above all, to achieve the desired effect. Not only for the other person, but also for you. It is best to be cool-minded, serene, relaxed, and confident. Wait until that happens, and then start the conversation.

Learn to express emotions with balance and solemnity

Learning to work the way you express your emotions will help you achieve peace and reach a greater degree of maturity for the day and tomorrow. This little gesture will undoubtedly be of use to you; both for personal growth and for relationships with others.

And you? Do you dare to start today?

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