In This Life I Deserve To Be Happy

In this life I deserve to be happy and, although I am aware that all my dreams may not be fulfilled, I am content to be in balance, in peace and tranquility accepting all the good that comes my way.

Is it an act of selfishness to express out loud “I deserve to be happy”? Absolutely. We all deserve them, just as each of us has the right to be loved, respected and valued.

No vital principle is as important as focusing our lives towards happiness. However, there is something that we must be clear about: we must not wait for others to “make us happy”.

To be happy, you must start by taking care of yourself.

To be happy I must know what I want and what I don’t want in my life

Actually, to be happy, you don’t need so many things. Whoever thinks that happiness is having a long sequence of zeros in the checking account, and a whole army of friends in our contact list, is wrong.

It is enough with a dignified life that allows us to be independent and surround ourselves with people who, really, are significant to us.

Two embracing friends laughing.

  • Happiness is sometimes an act of humility and minimal concepts. That is, the main thing is to know what one wants, what identifies and pleases one.
    The fact of taking, for example, a day to day where we do what we like, where we feel proud of ourselves is, without a doubt, a great gift.
    Everything else will be simple “accessories”, aspects that can sometimes bring us more complications than benefits.
  • Knowing what we really want in this life is not always easy. It requires first to have lived some experiences to be clear about certain guidelines. Knowing that there are people whose personality does not suit us, or that our introverted character, for example, values ​​having few friends before many, are things that we usually realize with him. weather.

    I deserve to be happy, valued and respected

    There is something essential that we must never forget: you already know what you deserve and, since you love yourself and take care of your self-esteem, you know that you also deserve respect from others.

    It may seem obvious, but if we do not have self-love, sometimes we can allow ourselves to be manipulated  and carried away by other people’s desires, by wills that are not ours, to the point of putting our happiness in someone else’s pocket.

    Not worth it. Defend yours, defend your character, your personal spaces and your scale of values. In this life we ​​all deserve and must be respected, as well as valued.

    • Parents should offer recognition and respect to their children so that they grow up safely and happily. In this way they will develop a good self-esteem with which to function on a day-to-day basis.
    • To be happy we also need to be valued and respected by our partners. In this case, in addition to self-love, it is necessary that there be reciprocity to establish a stable and happy relationship.
    • No one is selfish for expressing their need to demand respect. We deserve it in our families, with our friends, in our work environments and in our affective relationships.

    And, even more, since each one of us respects ourselves, we are also able to show respect to others because we treat others in the same way that we want to be treated.

    In this life you can wish to have a bigger house, an attractive, considerate and humble partner, you can also aspire to have an excellent job. Now, above these desires there must always be being happy with what life brings us.

    I deserve to be happy: it is my life project

    All your dreams may not come true, but happiness is not really things; they are moments, they are people and they are experiences.

    It is simply about living with your eyes open and your heart on fire, knowing how to enjoy the here and now in the simplest way possible.

    • It does not matter that you do not have a partner or many friends. It is enough to be good with yourself and to have those people who make you happy and who are barely counted on the fingers of one hand.
    • Life is not easy at times and brings us more than one adversity. Hence, another essential dimension that you must take care of in your day to day is your attitude.
    • Your attitude is the most important thing you “carry”. It is what makes you face things with courage and optimism.
    • A positive attitude capable of seeing reality with integrity, knowing that there are bad moments but also good ones, will help us to be happy in our day to day life. Because those who resist and get stuck are often sunk in sadness.
      Happy woman opening her arms in the sun.

      Happy woman opening her arms in the sun.

    We must know how to look forward, towards the horizon, with enthusiasm, prioritizing ourselves a little more and knowing how to love everything that surrounds us, with simplicity, with humility.

    Note: the information that has been exposed here might not be helpful in your case. If you need professional help, we recommend consulting with a mental health specialist.

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