10 Superfoods To Combat Allergies

Are there superfoods to fight allergies? Is it possible to integrate them into the diet in such a way that they also help prevent other discomforts? Why are they so beneficial? These and other doubts are very frequent among people who suffer from allergies.

And it is not surprising, since allergies are one of the most common and recurring reasons for consultation.

Obviously, allergies require regular medical supervision and treatment. And it should be noted that the more attention we pay to the doctor’s guidelines, the better decisions we can make when taking care of ourselves (with or without an outbreak). In addition to this, if we maintain a healthy lifestyle, we can enjoy greater well-being day by day. 

When it comes to lifestyle, it is important to highlight the role of diet. When we take care of what we eat, we not only feel better in general, but we recover from various discomforts more easily than if we were eating an unhealthy diet. In addition, eating well we contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system .


Apples to fight allergies

Apples contain the most abundant flavonoid in the human diet: quercetin. This natural pigment helps to strengthen the immune system, acting as a natural antibiotic and protecting the body from possible allergic reactions.

In addition, apples contain many vitamins (such as vitamin C) and antioxidant minerals. It also has fiber, a fundamental element for proper gastrointestinal function.


Turmeric is another of the so-called superfoods to fight allergies. This is because this spice contains vitamins (C, E, group B), as well as minerals such as manganese or iron, nutrients that contribute to the health of the immune system.

However, if there is one thing that stands out about turmeric, it is its active ingredient, curcumin. This antioxidant also has an anti-inflammatory action, which is why, among other things, it helps prevent cell aging.

Garlic and onion

garlic is a good protector against a poor immune system due to allergies

Garlic has always been popularly considered a natural antibiotic. This is why it is often said to be one of the superfoods for fighting allergies.

Due to its vitamin C and allicin content, garlic has antioxidant, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. However, this still needs to be analyzed in depth, as the scientific evidence remains limited.


According to this study by Qassim University, ginger has antimicrobial properties capable of dealing with E. coli, Salmonella typhi and Bacillus subtilis bacteria .

For its part, this research carried out by the Isfahan University (Iran) ensures that ginger has the ability to inhibit certain allergic reactions. Therefore, it is considered that ginger can be one of the superfoods to combat allergies.


This citrus fruit, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, for this reason, lemon is popularly considered to be ‘ideal’ when it comes to preventing and fighting allergies naturally. Even though there is no evidence that lemon contributes directly to the improvement of symptoms.

However, the truth is that moderate consumption of lemon, within a balanced diet, is not bad.


Salmon is a source of omega 3 fatty acids that, according to this study by the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (Mexico), would help fight inflammation in the body and alleviate some of the symptoms related to allergy. 

Flax seeds

Another superfood to combat allergies is flax seeds, which stand out for their content of omega 3 fatty acids (in this case, vegetable) In addition, they contain selenium, which is believed to help reduce inflammation and, thanks to This will alleviate mild allergic reactions.

Green tea, a highly recommended drink

Infusion-de-te-verde can help you overcome allergies by improving your health

A compound in green tea known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is believed to have the ability to block a receptor that is involved in producing the allergic response. However, this study by Dr. Choi recommends caution in this regard, as this property has not yet been fully defined.

However, it is true that green tea contains anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate some allergy symptoms.

Explanatory note about superfoods

Superfoods are products of plant origin that, due to their composition, can have potential for various issues (provide a greater amount of antioxidants, improve an organism process, among others). However, marketing strategies have often exaggerated this potential and thus omitted important information.

The experts from the 5 a day Association and SaludSinBulos comment that: “No food, no matter how healthy, has the properties to be considered a superfood. In addition, the superfood does not have a legal definition.

So, although it is incorrect to call what is simply a healthy food ‘superfood’, it is not necessary to stop taking them into account when supplementing the diet.

The idea of ​​integrating a ‘superfood’ regularly into a balanced diet, once its nutritional value has been analyzed, can be a good one, as long as no extraordinary properties are attributed to the food in question. This goes for spirulina as well as chia seeds, quinoa, and fruits.

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