Noise Affects Our Health: 5 Consequences

Keep your body away from noisy and stressful stimuli to have a strong immune system. Excessive noise can affect you both physically and psychologically.

Noise pollution is everywhere. Although it seems harmless, the noise of the speakers, exposure to loud sounds and the volume at which we listen to music can have a negative influence on our quality of life. Therefore, it is important that we know how noise affects our well-being.

What is noise?

Woman covering her ears from noise.

Day by day we live with auditory stimuli, but when do they begin to be harmful to our health? Noise is an unwanted and dangerous external sound for health.

An investigation carried out by three important European organizations describes noise as ” an emission of energy caused by a vibratory phenomenon that is detected by the ear and generates a feeling of discomfort “. This sensation is experienced, above all, when the noise is alien to our context at the moment of perceiving it, or we are not used to it.

Then we already have the clearest picture as to what makes the difference between sound and noise. The sanity limit ends when you start to feel discomfort and when the volume is noxious.

Noise: a global problem

At present, noise is a major environmental concern at the public health level. So much so that one of the goals of the European Union for 2020 is to reduce noise pollution to levels approximate to those recommended by the World Health Organization. That is, less than 85 dB for 8 hours a day during working hours.

According to the World Health Organization, some of the acquired causes of deafness can be exposure to very loud sounds in recreational activities: discos, concerts, events and the use of audio devices at high volume for long periods of time. This is why it is so important to hear sounds at the proper volume.

However, the effects of noise go far beyond deafness. In fact, these stimuli influence our physical and emotional well-being much more than you think. Here we will tell you how noise affects our health.

5 ways noise affects our health

1. Hearing loss

This is perhaps the most worrisome effect, but it is not the only one. Occupational exposure to noise for long periods of time is one of the main causes of hearing loss. This occurs because noise damages the sensory cells of the inner ear.

In turn, hearing loss could lead to anxiety, depression, discrimination, decreased academic performance, or isolation, among other consequences. That is why it is important not to subject our body to these stressful stimuli.

2. Increases sleep disturbances

Environmental noise is one of the main causes of sleep disruption. Its effects can cause insomnia, prevent you from having restful breaks and alter the stages of sleep.

If the sleep disruption becomes chronic, it affects mood swings, concentration, and performance. In addition, it has important effects on alertness.

3. Affects the circulatory system

Being exposed to constant noise increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. That is, it increases the chances of suffering from angina pectoris or a myocardial infarction, and also of suffering from high blood pressure.

Audio levels greater than 65 dB or acute exposures greater than 80-85 dB can cause long-term cardiac disturbances.

This occurs because the high volume acts as a biological stressor that causes the body to activate nerve hormones, increase blood pressure and heart rate.

4. Causes stress or irritation

Stress is our body’s response to an external challenge. However, if it lasts for a long time, it affects our health. In turn, stress caused by high volumes is related to disorders of the endocrine and immune systems.

As side effects of this process, noise pollution affects learning processes, memory and interferes with problem solving. In addition, it increases irritability and aggression.

5. Alteration of the immune system

Woman blowing her nose with a handkerchief.

The immune system needs a lot of energy to function. For its part, stress generates a state of alert that also requires a lot of effort for the body. When the body is subjected to chronic stress, a kind of immune slump is generated.

As you can see, one thing leads to another, because the involvement of the immune system opens space for bacteria and viruses to enter the body and attack it when it is defenseless. In this way, it is easier for the body to contract viral diseases.

How to avoid the effects of noise?

Once it is clear how noise affects our health, it is important to know how to reduce its effect. Next, we will share with you some measures you can take.

  • First of all, as much as your favorite song excites you, avoid listening to it at a high volume. Your ears will thank you.
  • On the other hand, if you go to a concert, event or party, stay several meters away from the sound sources.
  • Also, if you are continually exposed to loud sounds in the place where you live or at work, wear hearing protectors if necessary.
  • In turn, do not exceed 100 dB.
  • You should also avoid using noisy appliances.
  • Lastly, don’t listen to music with headphones for more than 60 minutes.

    Follow these simple tips and you will maintain good hearing health. However, if you feel that your hearing is failing, quickly go to a specialist doctor to review your case.

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