How To Eat During Pregnancy

During pregnancy we must bear in mind that it is as important to consume certain foods as it is to eliminate those that may be harmful to us

During pregnancy,  what is important is the quality of the food in the diet. In fact, indiscriminate food intake can cause a problem.

You must bear in mind that the key is in the nutritional value of the food you eat. However, the first thing you should do is eliminate or reduce the consumption of sugary and high-fat foods.

Both types of food have a high calorie intake, but with a shortage of vitamins, proteins and minerals, which are what really nourish us.

Of course, to take care of yourself during the gestation period, it is best to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, in which physical activity must be present.

Walking is a good alternative to exercise during pregnancy. It improves our circulation and helps us eliminate fat, without having to undergo a high impact.

Tips for Eating During Pregnancy

Avoid raw fish

fish during pregnancy

The kitchen has also become globalized and this situation has implied the consumption with certain frequency of dishes such as sushi.  In addition, there are countries in whose tradition there are recipes that include this element, such as ceviche.

Although these foods are very healthy and contain high doses of protein, during pregnancy they are not highly recommended.

The fish used to make these recipes can have anisakis, a parasite that causes infections and disorders that can be serious. The most sensible thing is to avoid the consumption of raw fish in those months.

Eliminate unpasteurized milk and fresh cheeses

As you know, these dairy products are very delicate, since they are also prone to bacteria and parasites.

There are many other sources of calcium that you can turn to before risking a disorder that may affect you and your baby.

Eat 5 light meals a day

Eat 5 light meals a day during pregnancy

Upset stomach and nausea are very common. Many women feel full very quickly, so they stop eating right away, not realizing that they have not fed well.

In this sense, we suggest that you eat something every 3 hours. Thus, you take everything you need and get rid of said discomfort.

Increase the consumption of whole grains

To eat well during pregnancy, you have to think about energy. Digestions are more complicated.

Therefore, slow-absorbing carbohydrates are very important. As we said, it gives us that extra vigor, although gradually.

The latter allows us to enjoy more energy for a longer time, with the advantage that the nutrients are not transformed into fat.

On the other hand, as it is the integral variety, it contributes to the good digestion of the rest of the foods.

To feed yourself during pregnancy, take 5 pieces of fruit

To feed yourself during pregnancy, take 5 pieces of fruit

Fruit is one of the richest options. First, it has the same benefits as the previous ones. In addition, it  provides sugar and a large amount of vitamins. When we talk about sugar, we mean the healthy one, the one that keeps you active and is easily digested.

However, added sugar is very difficult to burn. For this reason, it is transformed into a fat that does not serve us more than to harm our health.

Bet on oil for vegetable fats

Animal fats raise cholesterol and weaken us, while vegetable fats cause the opposite effect and keep our organs healthy.

In this sense, the ideal is that you incorporate in your 3 main meals elements such as raw olive oil, avocado or skimmed yogurt.

With these simple guidelines, feeding during pregnancy will no longer be a problem. Always keep in mind that what we are looking for is to facilitate digestion, while ingesting the vitamins and minerals we need to live normally.


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