Would A Salt And Sugar Trick For Insomnia Work?

The mixture of sugar and salt could control the hormones that produce stress and bring them to a normal state to prevent them from interfering with the sleep cycle

Fighting insomnia is one of the main objectives of patients who suffer from it, so it is normal for them to be curious about applying certain tricks, such as salt and sugar.

Insomnia is a disorder that causes difficulties in falling or staying asleep. This means that just as there are people with insomnia who find it difficult to even sleep a couple of hours, there are also people with insomnia who have difficulty sleeping several hours in a row and obtaining a restful sleep. They may wake up frequently and take time to go back to sleep.

According to the experts of the Spanish Sleep Society “it affects women with a higher prevalence, but it appears more and more frequently in men and children, possibly related to social habits.” In addition, it is considered as the most common sleep disorder in the general population.

Difficulty sleeping and lack of rest have a negative impact on the life of the person who suffers it, and can lead to social, work and other deterioration  Taking into account how harmful it is to physical and mental health, Today there are many medications and treatments that can help fight insomnia so that it is no longer a problem.

Both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment are indicated when the specialist considers it appropriate. Usually, depending on the severity of the symptoms and their duration. Thus, medications should be consumed only under his recommendation and therapies, under his supervision.

As a complement to both treatments, if the doctor considers it appropriate, a good option could be to resort to natural alternatives, such as herbal teas of chamomile, valerian, lavender and passion flower.

Additionally, there are those who consider that the salt and sugar trick could be useful to combat insomnia.

Girl with insomnia with mobile.

What is the salt and sugar trick to fight insomnia?

One of the main causes of insomnia can be stress. This produces a series of physiological, emotional and behavioral changes, which, in turn, produce a biochemical reaction that interferes with the production of sleep hormones. Thus, by raising the levels of stress hormones, sleep patterns are disturbed. The consequence is the difficulty of falling asleep or having an uninterrupted sleep.

This is where sugar and salt, according to beliefs, could play an important role. Both substances could exert a control on the stress hormones and take them to a normal cycle so that they do not interfere with the dream. In the book Eating Heat by independent researcher Matt Stone, this trick is mentioned as a solution to better sleep :

“The salt and sugar mixture is an absolute must for stressful situations at night. In insomnia between 2 and 4 in the morning, accompanied by a sensation of excess adrenaline circulating through the system (adrenaline spikes at this time), salt and sugar under the tongue are the only way to go ”.

Salt and sugar for insomnia?

Refined sugars and health

Currently, there are many studies that have put on the table the dangers of consuming excess salt and sugar. Not only because they put physical health at risk, but because they can be triggers for many diseases.

However, its moderate consumption is accepted on a nutritional level, since the body requires both substances in relevant amounts to be able to perform multiple functions. 

“The salt and sugar mixture is an absolute must for stressful situations at night,” says Matt Stone. However, there is no scientific evidence that this mixture can directly intervene in insomnia.

Recipe for this remedy

To prepare this trick against insomnia you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of unrefined sea salt (5 g)
  • 5 teaspoons of brown sugar (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of panela.

Preparation mode

  • Put all the ingredients in a bag or jar and shake well. Panela is an ingredient that tends to separate itself from the rest, which is why it is recommended not to use it alone.
  • The recommended ratio for this recipe is 1 teaspoon of salt for every 5 of sugar, but if it is too salty, the amount can be reduced.

Homemade oral serum

Consumption mode

Before going to bed or at night, place a small amount of the mixture under the tongue and wait until it dissolves completely. The remaining mixture can be placed near the bed, where it can be easily found in the middle of the night. When consuming it, only a pinch should be extracted and always put under the tongue.

Taking into account that it is not an infallible method and that it is not scientifically endorsed either, use this trick in moderation and always after consulting your doctor.

Finally, keep in mind that if the difficulties to rest well persist, you should go to a specialist to help you solve your sleep problems.

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