6 Recommendations To Fight Conjunctivitis In A Natural Way

If we have conjunctivitis, we must extreme our hygiene habits and avoid sharing towels and the like to prevent contagion, even in ourselves, from one eye to another

The conjunctiva is defined as a transparent layer of tissue that lines the eyelids and covers the whites of the eye. In this way, conjunctivitis develops as a result of the conjunctiva being swollen or inflamed. Inflammation is usually due to an irritant, infection, dry eyes, or an allergy.

Thus, when we feel a great itch in the eye, accompanied by inflammation, redness and discharge, we may have conjunctivitis. It is a mild disorder that we must treat appropriately to avoid eye complications.

It is important to see a specialist if the disease develops. Above all to receive a correct diagnosis and be able to treat it properly. In addition, there are some natural ones that can help treat the symptoms of conjunctivitis in a simple and effective way. We will develop them below.

What is conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye, which is the membrane that lines the inside of the eyelids to the front of the eyeball. As mentioned above, it is usually caused by an irritant or bacteria, or has an allergic origin.

Conjunctivitis tends to cause very uncomfortable symptoms. Among which are the following:

  • Burning and itching, sensitivity to light.
  • Swelling and redness
  • Blurred vision, watery eyes.
  • Gritty sensation.

Recommendations to combat it

1. Hydrotherapy

Water at different temperatures is a natural, simple and inexpensive method of treating diseases. In the case of conjunctivitis, we can accelerate healing and provide great relief with the application of cold water compresses on the affected eye.

We can repeat it several times throughout the day.  Especially if we have very sensitive eyes to other types of topical treatments.

2. Infusion of horsetail and echinacea

We can enhance the natural treatment of conjunctivitis with infusions based on two medicinal plants.

First of all, the Horsetail. This medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory and healing properties thanks to its high mineral content, especially silicon. Similarly, echinacea is one of the best remedies to strengthen the immune system. So that we can have high defenses to fight any virus or bacteria.

It is also important to bear in mind that we can also take it preventively or as a treatment, but only for short periods of time.

Finally, it should be mentioned that these plants should not boil. It is best to turn off the heat and let them rest for 20 minutes. We will take them throughout the day until we notice improvement.


3. Poultice of chamomile

Medicinal plants also allow us to carry out remedies that we can apply topically to the affected eye. In this way we will combine different methods to overcome conjunctivitis as soon as possible.

Chamomile is an excellent plant for eye problems, as it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that soothe the symptoms of conjunctivitis and accelerate healing.

We will prepare a concentrated infusion of chamomile, which we will apply on the eyes with a small towel or cloth that we will moisten in this liquid. In this way, the infusion will act on the eyelids and penetrate the eyes gently.  We will have to make this poultice two or three times throughout the day.

4. Hygiene

Good hygiene is essential to cure conjunctivitis, but also to prevent it and avoid contagion. We recommend following these simple tips:

  • Always avoid rubbing your eyes.
  • Use a specific towel for the affected eye.
  • Do not touch our eyes with dirty hands.
  • Take extreme precautions if we wear contact lenses.
  • Avoid using any cosmetic during treatment.

Thus, if we suffer frequent conjunctivitis, we should avoid the use of these products or look for those that are natural and hypoallergenic.

5. Natural eye drops

To reinforce our treatment we can use a natural eye drop, made from medicinal plants such as eyebright.

There are also homeopathic eye drops that do not imply any secondary health risk and that can be adapted to the specific symptoms of our disorder.

6. Natural supplements

Vegetables rich in vitamin C

Some natural supplements are very effective in preventing and treating eye disorders. Thus, in this case, we recommend the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A. Present in foods rich in carotenes and beta-carotenes.
  • Vitamins of group B. They are very beneficial for eye health.
  • Vitamin E. Prevents the damage caused by free radicals to our eyesight.
  • Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system and helps us better assimilate vitamins A and E.

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