How To Treat And Prevent Cavities With A 100% Natural Remedy

Caries are caused by the demineralization and destruction of dental tissues. They are permanent damages on the surface of the teeth that turn into small holes and black spots.

They occur due to the excess of acids produced by the bacteria that proliferate in the mouth, which manage to colonize the teeth due to the residues that remain from food or poor hygiene.

It is common among children and adolescents. Although it can affect people of all ages, even babies. Their timely attention is decisive for health, since if they extend they can affect the nerves and blood vessels and cause severe pain, infections and loss of the tooth.

Next we want to review its main causes and a 100% natural remedy that can facilitate its treatment. Don’t stop trying it!

Causes of tooth decay

Tooth decay is caused by a process that begins with the formation of plaque on the enamel that protects them. This substance forms a layer of food waste and bacteria that later turns into tartar.

  • The acids released from the plaque lead to demineralization of the hard enamel of the teeth, leading to erosion that leads to gaps.
  • Later, the bacteria and acids manage to spread towards the dentin. Which produces more severe damage.
  • Timely intervention can prevent tooth loss.

However, if the infection takes advantage, it can reach the dental pulp. Thus, it can damage the nerves and blood vessels, to the point of completely damaging the tooth.

Risk factor’s

dental caries

All people are exposed to various factors that can lead to cavities. The most common include:

  • Foods rich in sugars and starches
  • Soft drinks and carbonated drinks
  • Improper brushing
  • Fluoride deficiency
  • Dry mouth
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Smoking
  • Eating disorders

Symptoms of tooth decay

The clinical manifestations of dental caries can vary in each patient, depending on its severity and location. It is common that, in its initial stages, they occur asymptomatically.

Once they start to get complicated, symptoms can include:

  • Sudden, unexplained toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Mild pain when eating or drinking something sweet, hot, or cold
  • Visible holes in the teeth
  • Brown, black, or yellowish stains on any tooth surface
  • Pain when biting certain foods
  • Bad breath


Lack of treatment of cavities can lead to some complications in oral health. The most commons are:

  • Dental abscess
  • Severe pain
  • Swelling and pus around the tooth
  • Broken or damaged teeth
  • Changes in the position of the teeth
  • Chewing difficulties

Natural remedy to treat and prevent cavities


All signs of cavities should be attended by a professional. However, as a complement to your treatment, we may consider some alternatives.

This is the case with this powerful natural remedy that helps fight infection without damaging the teeth or gums.


  • 1 tablespoon of water (15 ml)
  • ½ tablespoon of coconut oil (7 g)
  • ¼ tablespoon of peppermint oil (3 g)
  • ½ tablespoon of chlorophyll powder (7 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of dietary diatomaceous earth (45 g)
  • ¼ tablespoon of baking soda (3 g)


  • Plastic jar
  • Spoon or fork
  • Toothbrush


  • Incorporate all the ingredients in a plastic jar and mix them with the help of a spoon or fork.
  • Make sure you get a uniform paste, with a texture similar to a conventional toothpaste.

Application mode

  • Put the product on the toothbrush and rub it as if you were doing your usual brushing.
  • Use the treatment after each main meal.
  • Extend its use for at least a month to get good results.

Other cares to fight cavities

In addition to using this natural treatment, it is essential to apply other key tips for the control of dental cavities.

  • Limit the consumption of sugary foods, industrial and processed pastries.
  • Replace soft drinks and sodas with water and natural (non-acidic) drinks.
  • Reinforce your dental hygiene habits, brushing 3 or 4 times a day.
  • Use dental floss and rinse to disinfect areas that are not accessible to the brush.
  • Take care of any signs of dental infection immediately.

Do you have any symptoms that alert you to the presence of cavities in your teeth? Make this medicinal preparation before the infection worsens. If the discomfort persists or becomes complicated, consult your trusted dentist.

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