Homeopathy: An Ally In The Treatment Of Hemorrhoids?

Homeopathy defends that there is a specific remedy for each symptom of hemorrhoids. Likewise, it is also believed that aloe vera gel and rosehip could promote healing.

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins or inflammation of the veins in the rectum and anus that cause pain and discomfort to people who suffer from them. Today we will find out if it is possible to treat and prevent them.

Remember that it is advisable to see a doctor if the hemorrhoids do not improve or if rectal bleeding appears after bowel movements, as in some cases it may be due to other diseases.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids (or piles) develop when the veins that line the anus swell and dilate. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids, which occur in the lower part of the rectum; and the external ones, which develop under the skin around the anus.

The external ones are the most uncomfortable, because the skin that covers them becomes irritated and eroded. If a blood clot forms inside an external hemorrhoid, the pain can be sudden and severe. The clot often dissolves, leaving excess skin that can itch or become irritated.

Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless, even when they bleed. They can also spread beyond the anus and cause potential problems. Also, constantly cleaning yourself can make the problem worse.

What are your causes?

The word hemorrhoid comes from the Greek and means ‘blood’ and ‘flow’, that is, the person has an imbalance in the fluidity of the blood. These are some of the factors that contribute to its appearance:

  • Too much effort in bowel movements.
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Anal infections
  • Hepatic cirrhosis.
  • Spicy or irritating foods.
  • Pregnancy.

Against hemorrhoids

What are harmful foods?

On the other hand, diet and lifestyle could also play an important role in the prevention or relief of hemorrhoids. It is believed that it would be convenient to reduce the consumption of all those foods that can cause heartburn or irritation:

  • Spices, especially the hot ones.
  • Unripe fruits.
  • Onion.
  • Ketchup.
  • Vinegar.
  • Black tea
  • Coffee.
  • Chocolate.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Beneficial foods for hemorrhoids

Instead, it is believed that the consumption of the following foods could help prevent its appearance:

  • Whole foods (rice, bread, cereals, etc.).
  • Vegetables.
  • Ripe fruit (papaya, banana, plum, figs, apricots).
  • Linen oil first cold pressing.
  • Aloe vera juice.


Homeopathy as a complementary treatment

Homeopathy defends that it could contribute to improve the picture. However, more research is needed. We always recommend following the instructions of a doctor and the pharmacological treatment indicated by the professional. In addition to following the food guidelines, these are the most widespread remedies in homeopathy:

  • Taraxacum officinale 9 CH : this remedy could improve hemorrhoids by acting on the liver. It would be recommended especially in case of suffering from a liver problem, or if the hemorrhoids are the result of a poor diet.
  • Aesculus Hippocastanum 9 CH : when, in addition to pain, you also feel small pricks accompanied by constipation.
  • Nux vomica 9 CH : if hemorrhoids appear after overeating and the person is often irritable.
  • Arnica 9 CH : when hemorrhoids are very painful.
  • Muriaticum acidum 9 CH : when they protrude and present a great sensitivity to rubbing, and may even bleed.
  • Paeonia 9 CH : large, very painful and inflamed hemorrhoids.
  • Graphites 9 CH : hemorrhoids with anal fissures that cause burning pain.

Do not forget that it is always important to consult with a professional and a doctor to avoid health problems.

Other tips to try to fight hemorrhoids

  • Do not use toilet paper, as it is very irritating. We can replace it with wet wipes or soap and water.
  • Apply aloe vera and rosehip gel to the anal area, as it could help to heal and regenerate tissues.
  • Apply cold water directly to the anus, for example, in the bidet, or perform sitz baths also with cold water.
  • Exercise often, treat intestinal problems, and watch your diet.
  • Avoid constipation through a diet rich in fiber, with fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc.

We hope that all these tips will help you relieve hemorrhoids because we know that it is something very annoying and painful that can affect your quality of life. Remember that it is important to go to the doctor in the case of not noticing improvement.

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