7 Things That Affect Liver Health Without Drinking Alcohol

Although alcohol is often identified as the most damaging agent for the liver, there are other factors that can damage it. Learn more about it below.

Maintaining the health of the liver is essential to have a good quality of life. This organ has the ability to filter the blood to remove toxins that accumulate in the body. It is also key to metabolic activity and the production of some hormones.

However, beyond its essential functions, the liver is not exempt from suffering from diseases. Excessive alcohol consumption is the best known way to spoil it, according to experts from Kidney Health Australia.

7 actions harmful to liver health

In addition to alcohol, there are other circumstances that also influence the reduction of its functions. Below, we share in detail the top seven causes that affect liver health. Take note!

1. Consumption of ultra-processed foods

Liver health can deteriorate with the consumption of ultra-processed foods.

The regular consumption of processed foods can influence the appearance of liver problems, due to its content of chemical additives and saturated fats. The contribution of calories and carbohydrates from this type of food overloads its functions and, over time, leads to problems such as fatty liver.

2. Excessive intake of painkillers

Nowadays, acquiring pain relievers in pharmacies is very easy, but that does not mean that they can be taken excessively to alleviate ailments. Although they are effective in calming headaches or general discomforts, it must be considered that their chemical components can affect the liver.

This occurs mainly when its consumption extends over time. This is detailed in a publication on the WebMD medical site that provides recommendations for maintaining liver health.

3. Overweight and obesity

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Great care! Excess body weight has serious consequences on the health of the liver. Both being overweight and obese can impair the functions of this organ, among other reasons, due to its consequences on fat and inflammation in the body, as indicated by the experts at MedlinePlus.

Both disorders are associated with nonalcoholic steatosis, a disease that indicates the accumulation of a lot of fat in your tissues. Without prompt treatment, this condition can cause serious complications such as cirrhosis and liver failure, even if patients do not consume alcohol.

The most worrying thing is that it is a pathology that does not usually manifest itself with initial symptoms, which makes a quick diagnosis difficult.

4. A sedentary lifestyle deteriorates liver health

It is known that a sedentary lifestyle is closely related to being overweight. However, it should be noted that it is a lifestyle with a great impact on health ; A study published in the Chilean Medical Journal in 2017 relates it to cardiovascular and metabolic problems.

In the case of the liver, inactivity influences its main functions; for example, the metabolic imbalances it causes can make it difficult to break down fats. Research published in 2018 relates a sedentary lifestyle to kidney function damage.

5. Not eating a good breakfast

Ignoring the first meal can interfere with metabolic functions and, as a consequence, cause a reduction in the work capacity of some organs. The liver, of course, is one of them.

A WebMD post states that this first meal of the day energizes cells and ‘kicks’ metabolism after rest. In addition, its intake is related to a lower probability of suffering from cholesterol, diabetes and sedentary lifestyle.

Regarding the latter, the cited article details that in reality it is not entirely confirmed if these are direct consequences of breakfast or if, instead, those who have the habit of eating breakfast are people with healthier habits.

What is certain is that, when we wake up, blood sugar levels are lower than what the brain and muscles need. Also, according to the same source, skipping breakfast could lead to overeating in the hours afterward.

6. Consumption of slimming supplements

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We often hear about the importance of losing weight in a healthy way, trying to avoid the popular ‘miracle methods’. The industry has taken advantage of the desire of many to lose weight by launching slimming products that are not all that good.

Although it is true that they generally help to lose accumulated fat, some contain side effects that can affect some of the body’s functions. Since this will depend on each product and the health status of the person who consumes it, they should not be consumed without the authorization of the doctor.

These harmful effects, although they are not immediately perceived, could leave sequelae that manifest themselves with various health problems. Before consuming this type of weight loss supplement, consultation with a doctor is essential.

7. Intake of other medications

Some medications, such as those used to treat seizures and migraines, contain valproic acid, a substance that has harmful effects on the liver according to the experts at Medline Plus.

These should be taken under medical supervision and in moderate amounts, since their side effects are dangerous. Other drugs that, according to another publication from the same source, also affect liver health are: amiodarone, erythromycin, anabolic steroids and birth control pills, among many others.

Prioritize liver health to live better!

As you can see, in addition to alcoholic beverages, there are many factors that can affect the functions of this organ. Try to avoid them as much as possible to avoid developing complications in liver health!

The best thing you can do for your health in general is to maintain good lifestyle habits every day, consistently and constantly.

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