What Are The Benefits Of Walking Barefoot?

To achieve global benefits we should walk barefoot for at least one hour a day, if possible on natural surfaces in order to relieve tension

Do you like to walk barefoot? Perhaps when it is cold we do not feel like walking without shoes or socks, but in summer it is very likely that, as soon as we get home, we will take off our shoes to walk freely.

In this article we will tell you if walking barefoot is good for both the muscles and the skin, the joints and even the mind. Keep reading!

Benefits of walking barefoot

For the skin

  • If we walk without shoes a few hours a day on a clean and protected floor (for example, our home) we will allow our feet to  perspire naturally.
  • They will also be able to rest from “oppressive” footwear (especially heels) and will have more freedom of movement (something that does not happen when we use narrow or very closed lasts).
  • In the case of walking barefoot on the beach, we take advantage of the properties of the sand to massage, relax and even free the heels of impurities.
  • If we have dry or cracked feet, there is nothing better than a walk along the seashore.

    For the bones

    Advantages of walking barefoot for the bones

    The anatomy and mechanics of the feet were “thought” to be able to walk without wearing any type of footwear. This is how our ancestors did it until cities and fashion emerged.

    Going barefoot is beneficial for the bones and muscles of the feet. Especially if we do it on rough surfaces and without inclination (flat).

    The foot can adapt more than well to the environment it steps on. However, we must train it so that the lack of habit does not cause muscle overload in the spine, lumbar and hips (something that also happens when, for example, we wear heels).

    Walking without shoes generates a tensional and structural reorganization that can alleviate the pressures caused by the lack of freedom in foot movements.  For this reason, it is recommended to walk a few hours a day without shoes. In this way the joints and anatomical space are aligned.

    • In the case of babies and young children, it is also recommended that they walk without shoes. Thus their development will be complete, they will be able to better locate themselves in space and strengthen their safety.
    • As for the elderly, it is advised that, at least one hour a day, remove their shoes and walk around the house.

    For blood circulation

    Virtues of walking barefoot

    Shoes are unnatural for the physiology of the foot. Its use is a social or cultural invention. The problem, in turn, lies in the fact that we can no longer go barefoot except on the beach or in the field.

    The hard and smooth surfaces that we walk on every day can be harmful to foot health even if we carry that “protective” object. Imagine then what it would be like if we didn’t use it.

    However, not wearing shoes strengthens the feet and also improves blood circulation. It is worth knowing that in the extremities there is a complex and deep network that forces the blood towards the heart.

    The ideal way to improve blood flow is to walk barefoot for an hour a day. In this way all systems will be in harmony and we will avoid swelling, pain and fluid accumulation.

    How do we get around with nothing when it’s cold? While this exercise can be good for our vessels and capillaries, it is also true that not everyone will do it.

    • To comply with the routine or dose of “freedom” for our feet we can wear socks. But as long as they do not put too much pressure on the ankles and are made of a soft fabric like cotton.

    For the mind

    Barefoot walking qualities for the mind

    Of course there is a very close relationship between the extremes of our body. For this reason, every time we decide to go without shoes we feel full, relaxed and harmonious. If you have experienced the sensation of walking barefoot on sand, dirt, grass or water, you will surely know what we are talking about.

    Getting in touch with nature through our feet is one of the best therapies that exist. At every step you will receive that magical power that our planet has.

    Natural elements are enriched with electrons which, when touched with the skin, instantly improve the parasympathetic nervous system. In addition, the earth is a great natural source of subtle electric fields that strengthen the immune system, synchronize biorhythms (among other physiological processes) and regulate blood circulation.

    As if all this was not enough, the fact of going barefoot is a balm for our state of mind. When we’re feeling overly stressed, worried, or tired, it’s best to go to the park, take off your shoes, and take a walk on the lawn.

    And the same happens in the case of feeling sick, having some kind of chronic inflammation or a degenerative disease. We just have to prove it.

    Other benefits

    The benefits of connecting with the natural are innumerable. Therefore, although it is also advantageous to walk around the house without shoes, we must try, at least once a week, to do it in natural terrain.

    Lastly, more benefits of walking barefoot:

    • It allows a better oxygenation of the organism.
    • It facilitates the elimination of fats and toxins in the body.
    • Treat neurosis and depression.
    • Increase leg strength and endurance.
    • Prevents varicose veins.

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