Homemade Mask To Stimulate Hair Growth

Stimulating hair growth is something that sometimes worries us. Perhaps we have had too many inches cut at the hairdresser or we wish our hair to grow a little faster.

However, what we must bear in mind is that  hair growth is conditioned by the well-being of the scalp, food or beauty products, among others.

Poor blood supply, improper hygiene, and excess harsh chemicals lead to excessive hair loss and thinning.

Because of this, many people undergo professional treatments to strengthen and increase hair length. The problem is that many are very expensive.

For this reason, today we are going to see how to make a mask to stimulate hair growth that is much cheaper and is made with natural ingredients.

Homemade mask to stimulate hair growth


In the wide catalog of natural remedies to stimulate hair growth, we have come across a particular treatment that caught our attention.

It is a mustard and egg mask whose nutritional properties activate the circulation of the scalp and strengthen the roots.

Its advantage over other similar products is that it is not aggressive for the skin and does not alter the normal production of oils. This allows you to give your hair a fresh look without risking ruining its shine and vitality.

Due to its significant contribution of antioxidant and moisturizing substances, it facilitates cell repair and prevents premature aging.

Benefits of mustard for hair

Mustard is a widely used spice in what has to do with gastronomy. Its particular flavor and aroma have been used as a condiment in dozens of recipes.

In addition, beyond being good for these purposes, it is proven that it is very effective aesthetically in what has to do with the hair.

In fact, the cosmetic industry is taking advantage of its stimulating action for the preparation of shampoos and hair masks.


This generates a sensation of heat, which indicates that the circulation to the scalp and follicles has been activated.

It is full of vitamins and minerals that increase the thickness of the hair strands while promoting their growth.

However, before using it in its entirety it is better to do a small test to check that it does not cause allergic reactions.

In case of feeling burning or itching, it is better to look for other alternatives.

How to prepare this mask for hair growth?

The mustard supplements in this mask will be nothing more and nothing less than olive oil and egg.

These give it an extra essential fatty acids to retain natural moisture and enhance its shine.


  • 1 tablespoon of mustard powder (10 g).
  • 1 egg.
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (48 g).
  • Warm water (as necessary).


  • Pour the mustard powder into a bowl and add a little warm water to it to make a creamy paste.
  • Add the olive oil, stir, and add the egg, previously beaten.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous product, let it rest for a couple of minutes and proceed with the application.

How to use

  • Spread the mask over all the roots of the hair, focusing especially on the scalp.
  • After applying it evenly to the indicated areas, spread the remaining mixture over the hair strands and cover them with a shower cap.
  • Leave it to act for 20 to 30 minutes so that the effect of the mustard reaches the circulation of the scalp.
  • Repeat its application two or three times a week, at least for two months in a row.

    Face mask

    You should not forget that, like any other product, the effects are not visible from the first application and constant use is required to be able to notice them.

    In case of presenting sensitive scalp or with a tendency to irritation it is better to avoid its application.

    If your hair is greasy, you should replace the olive oil with honey or an oil-free ingredient.

    Now that you know how to stimulate hair growth with this mask made with natural ingredients, dare to try it and show off healthy and radiant hair.

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