8 Exercises To Burn Calories

There are several exercises to burn calories but, when starting a routine, it is best to opt for the simplest ones. Be careful, although these seem not to have much difficulty, they do have an effect. The question is to be constant and disciplined.

Getting rid of extra calories can be much easier than you think with the help of these exercises. And the best thing is that you don’t need to go to the gym or a specific place to do them, you can do them at home or anywhere else. 

Let’s see below what are the 8 exercises to burn calories that can help you lead a more active life, while gaining in physical and mental health.

1. Climb stairs

Up and down stairs

Something as simple as fleeing the elevator and opting to climb the stairs when you are in public spaces is an action that will bring great benefits to your health. So, don’t give it more laps and go up the stairs whenever you can. 

Start going up and down stairs and gradually increase the speed and the number of steps so that you burn more calories. Of course, do not intend to increase suddenly. You must respect your body and make progressive efforts. 

2. Jump rope

Jumping rope is one of those exercises that you can do at home and that will help you stay in shape. You just have to bend your knees and start jumping.

  • Remember to keep your back straight and do reps. Your buttocks and legs get toned as you burn calories.
  • This is a type of exercise that can be done in company if you like to play sports in a group.

3. Lifting weights


If you don’t have dumbbells, don’t worry; you can do it with two 2-liter bottles of water. You can also use packets of beans to get started.

  • Stand straight (back, shoulders, legs) and take a bottle with each hand. Rotate your arm up and bring the bottle up to your shoulder with one hand and then the other. Start slow and then go a little faster.
  • You can “dance” while doing this exercise for more fun.
  • Perform several series (it can be two or three, of ten repetitions each).
  • You can increase the number of times you lift the objects and the weight. This will allow you to tone your arms.

4. Do sit-ups

Among the best exercises to burn calories are the abdominals. And although they can be difficult for those who are not used to physical activity, little by little, with effort and perseverance, this can be overcome. 

  • To do them, you will have to place your hands on the ground, lift the trunk, supporting the weight on the feet and hands. Now try to go up and down slowly.
  • In these cases, it is best to alternate 30-second intervals with different exercises, including variants such as bringing your knees to your chest.
  • Performing several sets of sit-ups a day will allow you to burn a lot of calories.

5. Walk and run


Walking and jogging  are two really beneficial activities and, of course, so is running. If you are able to maintain a pace of 7-9 kilometers per hour, you can lose about 1,000 calories.

It is a simple exercise that you can practice anywhere. Therefore, it is perfect for those who like to enjoy outdoor sports. Of course, it requires a good warm-up in order to avoid injuries. 

6. “Gallop”

This is another of the best calorie-burning exercises out there. In fact, it is a simple but effective type of cardiovascular activity. It helps you lose around 600 calories, if you keep the proper pace.

7. Do squats

Doing leg squats is great for burning calories, and it’s so easy. It simply consists of imitating the act of sitting down and getting up, only doing several repetitions while maintaining a straight posture.

  • It is important that as you go down, you “push” your butt back and feel the weight of your body on your heels.
  • The knees should not exceed the imaginary line of the toes.
  • The feet should be parallel and open to the width of the shoulders.
  • If you want to make it easier, you can practice it with your back against a wall.

8. Stride


Strides are another of the best exercises to burn calories; In addition, they are ideal for toning the buttocks.

  • To do this, you will have to spread your feet shoulder-width apart and bring one leg back: the front leg will be bent and the back leg with the heel raised.
  • Without the back knee touching the ground, go up and down.
  • To complement the exercise, you can hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Are there more exercises to burn calories?

Yes, but remember that you must go little by little. You can start with those that we have proposed previously and then, you can incorporate more into your routine. There are those who do some exercises as a warm-up and then practice, for example, swimming.

If you have questions about how to perform the exercises to burn calories, the time you should dedicate and other aspects, it may be best to consult a coach to guide you and help you maintain a good routine.

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