Foods That Improve Mood: Myth Or Reality?

There are many foods that positively interfere with our state of mind, due to their essential components and the function they fulfill in our body.

Nutrition and psychology are closely related. Our mood influences the way we eat and the other way around. The food we eat can affect our emotions.

The mood in people can be very unstable, but it is amazing how diet can influence it. The consumption of processed foods or with excess additives alters our emotional stability. It can also increase stress due to hormonal changes and sugar levels.

On the other hand, a good diet helps to balance and maintain the proper functioning of each of the organs and systems of our body and, in addition, to concentrate our emotions and improve our mood.

Next, we will review the different foods that have a positive impact on our emotions.

Food and emotions

Foods of a good diet.

C hen we go through a time of emotional imbalance we tend to neglect our diet. Anxiety and stress cause a lack of appetite in some people and overeating in others. This leads to dangerous eating disorders.

A study carried out by 1,300 psychologists concluded that negative emotions can hinder weight loss. As a strategy to lose weight, emotional intelligence plays a fundamental role, as well as attention and problem-solving techniques.

Not only does the pleasure of consuming what we like influence, but also the effects that its nutritional composition produces on our brain. A good diet guarantees the proper functioning of our body and, therefore, a better state of mind.

Much of the serotonin, which partly regulates moods, is produced in the digestive tract. For this reason, digestion and even digestive bacteria influence serotonin, and therefore mood.

Foods that benefit our mood

Squash seeds

These seeds positively intervene in the health of the organism and the proper functioning of the body. This is because they are a great source of antioxidants, and highly nutritious.

Flax seeds

It is a great source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a healthy fat that improves the functioning of the cerebral cortex and may reduce the risk of breast cancer. In addition, it highlights its contribution of Omega-3 that helps reduce stress, improves tension and offers benefits for better rest.


Cocoa benefits.

In this list of foods, chocolate could not be missing if we talk about good mood. It is recommended that it have a concentration of 80% cocoa or more, since this is much more effective.

The antioxidants in cocoa prevent premature aging of our body. It also releases dopamine and other neurochemicals related to pleasure, such as endorphins, serotonin and phenylethylamine.


The intake of grains such as rice, quinoa and oats, either whole or in preparation of some food, is essential when it comes to raising the mood, since they help the body produce more serotonin (called the hormone of the happiness) and keeps the sugar level in the body stable.

Vitamin C

Eating foods containing vitamin C is essential, as it can protect against age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin C can be found in red bell peppers, kiwi, papaya, orange, broccoli, or blackberry.


Infusions and tea

Drinking black tea may have anti-inflammatory properties. On the other hand, chamomile, linden and peppermint are especially good to help us relax and promote a state of well-being.

B12 vitamin

Vitamin B12 is essential to avoid problems such as depression. Various studies associate its lack of intake with this mental health problem.  It can be found in foods like dairy, eggs, fish, and meat.


Swiss chard is a rich source of magnesium. It is proven that magnesium intervenes in the body preventing states of depression.


Fish are a source of phosphorus that help strengthen the brain, especially by giving a boost to memory. In addition, oily fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that, as we have indicated, contribute to the proper functioning of the brain.



Nuts provide us with many minerals and vitamins, including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B and vitamin E. Nuts, for example, are a food rich in selenium. This mineral positively influences mood, in addition, low levels of selenium are related to cognitive decline.


The banana, being a rich source of potassium, offers the possibility of reducing the symptoms of depression by benefiting the body with a great production of energy.

We hope you enjoy this great list of foods that positively influence your mood. In addition, they contribute to the proper functioning of each of our organs, to enjoy a healthy life and a good mood.

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