Follow What Makes You Happy And Change What Makes You Unhappy

Why do you complain about being unhappy if you don’t do anything to change this? You must start betting on your happiness and stop putting it in the hands of others.

Maybe you are one of those people who almost constantly complains about how bad everything is going. This would not happen to you if you carried out a piece of advice: follow what makes you happy. This may seem simple, but curiously we tend to do the opposite.

Being in a job that you do not like and in which the boss treats you badly, maintaining a relationship with which you are not comfortable … In reality, you are making decisions that lead to your own unhappiness. This does not come because, you are choosing it.

Detect what makes you unhappy

Sometimes you may not be able to identify what is making you unhappy. This happens, for example, when immersed in a totally chaotic relationship we try to justify the actions of the other so as not to tarnish their image.

An ideal image that we have created in our mind, but that does not correspond to reality. This causes us to stay in a situation that hurts us, that undermines our self-esteem and that will end up destroying us. In order for you to detect what makes you unhappy, you just have to change certain patterns of behavior that you carry out automatically.

Let’s see what we can do about it.

  • Take on the role of observer. Change the perspective of your life, as if you were observing that of a good friend. What would you say to him in the situation he is experiencing? What advice would you give him? You know the answer and that is the one that you must apply yourself.
  • Get professional help. Having low self-esteem can prevent you from seeing circumstances realistically. Having a psychologist who can help you raise your self-esteem will allow you, little by little, to follow what makes you happy.

Follow what makes you happy, what your intuition dictates

When you were little, you had no problem saying “no” when you felt like it. You knew how to listen to your intuition, detect what you really wanted at that precise moment. However, as we grow older, we ignore our intuition until we stop listening to it.

However, deep down you know what makes you happy. Even if it’s been a long time that you haven’t paid attention to your intuition, you can get it back. You just need to stop and take advantage of the silence to listen to yourself.

Practices such as mindfulness or meditation can help you a lot to achieve this. Also, when you start listening to yourself, you will realize that you can become an observer of what happens to you in a much easier way. This will allow you to see situations with the necessary perspective to take action, make decisions and change your life towards what is really going to make you feel happy.

Complaining is useless

Complaints and victimhood are very well seen in the society in which we live. Wherever we go we will always find a person who laments how bad things are for him. However, we see that their choices have not been as successful as possible.

Every decision we make will mark one course or another. That is why it is so important that we know what makes us happy, in order to choose the most suitable for us. If we complain about a situation we are experiencing, we have to take responsibility: it is a consequence of our choices.

The only complaint it does is keep us in the same place, if decisions are not made that will get us out of where we are. In reality we are lamenting as we continue in our comfort zone without doing anything, without moving from it. As we well know, this way there will be no results.

Today we encourage you to follow what makes you happy, regardless of what others may say to you, the bad faces, the “what will they say”. If you feel like you need to change jobs, do it! In the event that you are not comfortable in a relationship and feel that you are not being treated well, get out of there.

However, if you have a hard time doing all this, do not hesitate to ask for professional help. As we often hear other people say, we only have one life. Are we really going to waste it being unhappy?

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