Keys To Get Relief In Case Of Migraine

Many people suffer from migraines, but not everyone knows how to combat them.

First of all, we must know what this painting consists of, what produces it and what its phases are. Then, to get to the ways to combat it in a simple and natural way in our home.

Did you know that there are remedies to fight migraine naturally, and that they are much simpler than you can imagine?

What is migraine?

Migraine is a sharp, severe pain on one side of the head. This ailment can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, hypersensitivity to light and noise. A crisis can last from 4 to 72 hours. It is more common in women and the pain is due to vasodilation or enlargement of the arteries in the skull.

People who suffer from it comment that their relatives also suffer from this disease. Due to this, the theory of a genetic (hereditary) basis of migraine becomes strong.

However, explaining everything on the basis of genetics alone would be somewhat reductionist. There are also environmental factors that precipitate the development of the picture.

Factors that provoke migraine

There are various triggers; those who suffer from this condition will be able to recognize them and thus try to avoid them. Here is a list of the most common:

  • Menstrual cycles : usually appear days before menstruation.
  • Stress and tension:  states of worry and anxiety are not favorable.
  • Alcohol : not to be confused with a headache caused by alcohol abuse.
  • Fasting: starving can cause a migraine attack.
  • Flavors and colors : especially those containing monosodium glutamate (flavor enhancer), which is generally found in packaged foods.
  • Some foods: excessive consumption of chocolate is related to the development of this condition.
  • Environmental factors : loud noises or very bright lights for example.
  • Sleep disturbance : both sleeping too much and poorly, it affects.
  • Strong odors : sometimes it is the volatile substance, like cologne alcohol.


Migraines usually develop in four phases.

The phases of this ailment are usually four:

  • First of all, there are prodromes, which are symptoms that can appear hours or even days before the crisis, such as blurred vision, irritability, etc.
  • The second phase is called ” aura” and also consists of symptoms prior to pain, but they last less than the prodrome. They last from 20 to 60 minutes, give way and gradually the next phase appears. May be accompanied by visual symptoms.
  • The third phase is where the pain appears, starting from mild to severe. The person needs to isolate himself in a dark place without noise.
  • Postdromic phase (after headache) : You may feel exhausted, weak, and confused after a migraine. This can last up to a day

    At the end of a crisis, patients report feeling tired, sleepy. They need a reasonable amount of time to return to their daily activities.

    Natural remedies for migraine

    Essential oils

    • Massage with essential oils such as lavender oil. A study published in 2012 suggests that lavender essential oil inhalation may be an effective and safe treatment modality in the acute treatment of migraines. Thus, we can dilute a maximum of 3 drops of the chosen essential oil in a tablespoon of olive oil and we will massage the temple.
    • Foot baths: we add 3 or 4 drops of peppermint essential oil to a bowl of hot water and soak the feet. A cool cloth on the back of your neck will help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.


    • Relaxation and meditation techniques: such as sitting or lying in a comfortable posture, doing deep breathing exercises feeling the lungs fill and empty, or calmly concentrating on the heartbeat without thinking about anything else until the heart rate drops.
    • If you are able to be in motion, there are yoga poses that can help you.

    Medicinal plants

    The following herbs can help us to alleviate the annoying and disabling symptoms of migraine. Always keep in mind not to exceed the recommended dose:

    • Rosemary: improves blood circulation and, therefore, migraine. Infusion of 1-2 tablespoons of the leaves or needles. Drink 2 cups a day.
    • Valerian: It has been shown to be beneficial in treating migraine headaches. Infusion 2-3 grams of the root of the plant. Pour the hot water over the root and let it rest for 15-30 minutes, covering the container. You can sweeten it since many dislike the taste.
    • Passionflower or passion flower: it could be useful in the treatment of migraine. Infusion of a couple of tablespoons of the dried plant for half a liter of water. Take a couple of small cups a day.
      • Peppermint: Peppermint oil is also popular for acting against migraines. We will make an infusion of one tablespoon per cup of water and drink a couple of cups a day.

      We must add that it is essential to have good eating habits, get enough rest and, of course, avoid triggers to prevent this very common condition today. However, we must always consult a doctor to discuss any natural remedy that we are going to use.

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